Search results

  1. MaBud

    60%jiffy/40%perlite-10%coco wick system... who uses w/kiddie pool

    I use your soilless mix and would like to know if you re-use the mix.... Please & Thank You....
  2. MaBud

    Can I re-use medium?

    Wick system.... 50% jiffy mix 40% perlite 10% coco Can I re-use it.???? Why would my White Widow germ., but not my Bubble Gum.. 6 days....
  3. MaBud

    My First Hydro...(wick system)

    Started out as bare basic as you could. Scraped $$$ where I could. So far less than 200. for EVERYTHING. I'll keep this short, but feel free to post questions or advice at any time. Will try to name pics with info/description. Happy Harvests to all....... MaBud----
  4. MaBud

    All TDS meters the same??

    Buying my first TDS meter. Vast cost difference. If I buy cheap to begin, anything I need to know 'bout using cheap vs. expensive.????? And does cost matter THAT much, or just ability to read properly..??? Please & Thank You.....