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  1. S

    Purple bud leaves

    Hi everyone, summer is fast approaching and I have no way to control temps and humidity. Room is getting to highs of 29c with 60% humidity. It's not ideal. Two different unknown strains. Growing in soil and feeding with a little PK boost every week or so. Lights are Mars tsw2000 and vipar...
  2. S

    Can someone tell me to be patient?

    I know, it's been asked and told a million times I'm a complete noob. For the experienced folks, at precisely what date, hour and second should I pluck these? When the moon hits 3/4? Na just joking! At least 2-3weeks? 4-5? 2 different unknown strains running. 1 plant seems "not well" her...
  3. S

    What do you think?

    Hi, so it's day 24 of 12/12. I'm currently taking a let it be, wait and see approach. I've got some nitrogen issues in the back 2. Would it even be worthwhile flushing the soil at this stage? They are still growing fine, apart from some deformed leaves. Any feedback is welcome So what do...
  4. S

    Finally Flipped

    First timer. After 5 months, 2 from seed, 2 flowering clones. I've finally got (what I think is) healthy plants. Heat, over/underwatering, pests, improper feeding & property inspections. they really are hard to kill. 6 days into 12/12
  5. S

    Aphids, Thrips and Mg deficiency, a tale of a boy who made all the mistakes possibe

    Hi everyone, first time growing and posting. I've got a mixed grow room with 4 plants, 2 are clones and 2 are from seed. One of the plants from seed seems to be suffering a Magnesium deficiency. I believe this is from soil acidity, I did a test with baking soda yesterday but I'm going to get a...