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    Blended grow. B-45,Mack and crack,Dr.Lemon Og and Czech underground strain.

    Hi there:!: I redepload this thread from Autoflower net.Web was has some problems and I think this place is better for photoperiod jornals. I was receive some seeds to testing. B-45 from Silent seeds.(Dinafem roots!) I am very happy, because I can grow this strain!Colaboration Dinafem aka Silent...

    OUTDOOR SEASON 2023 with Delicious seeds and Sweet seeds fast strains.

    Hi everybody!Outdoor season is here!:weed: I have private place in free soil with well,after longer time.I am very lucky! Guerilla growing has ones's own magic,but it's very hard work sometime.And size is limited in pots.I will be grow guerilla style autos only. We was prepare place at last...

    My reincarnate on forum.

    Hi everbody! ❤‍ I am fiery grower from Czechia.I was grow more ten years indoor and outdoor,mostly guerilla style.I'm on Autoflower net,but this web is non functional now and autos are not my primary interest.I grow autos only outdoor.This forum has almost identical design and I hope to simular...