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  1. O

    Think Of Your Body

    I see everyone being careful what they feed their grows by no chemicals. True soil microbes would die with chemicals. Because of Cancer I have started going to a Herblist and doing some reading think of your body as a plant then think of the chemicals you put into it. Because of convenience or...
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    Hey My Grow

    Got bunch of beans. Girl Scout Cookies and Northern Lights. Then I'm hearing this is better. You buy the Beans and share some time!
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    Happy Frog?

    I'm getting low on Compost so I'll be in the city. Thinking of getting some Happy Frog. I was wondering about putting some Perlite in it about how much. Could get some Ocean Forest and mix the two. Open for idea's?
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    Has Anyone Used This

    I'm thinking of using a mix of Yeast and Black Strap Molasses for fertilizer.
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    What Is This

    I had a beautiful Pipe that committed suicide. A guy took off with one of my Pipes seems it committed suicide. I have a couple that I would cry if they committed suicide.
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    Twik It?

    Just cut a grow the other day. I smoked some said dang this is good so I asked my sons opinion. I broke many rules. First off water just cold Tap Water. Didn't PH it didn't just poured it on. Fertilized some Pro Mix Bloom, Wood Ash and Lime then when I flipped give it some Pro Mix Bloom...
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    Tests are down. Can I grow Autos inside at a South Window?
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    Neem Oil

    Been using Neem for couple years and it hasn't worked on anything inside or outside.
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    A/C ?

    What A/C for a 4X8 room?
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    Black Strap Molasses?

    Is it ok to use Black Strap Molasses in cooking my wife has been using Honey? I can't have Regular Sugar.
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    Did You Enjoy Your Float Trip?

    Guy came to our house drinking then the bunch decided to go on a Float Trip. They get to the river and he passes out. The other guys he hasn't done this before. They left him there and went floating. They came back he was half way to. He tells them he made the mistake eating a Cracker at my...
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    Going To Build A Grow Room

    On my Grow Tents my Zippers have to be replaced. My wife said instead of reaching Zippers why not just build a Grow Room. Thinking of making it 4X8 venting exhaust outside. Got some silver liner to line it with. Do I want to go with one large room or two smaller rooms?
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    Bottom Vents

    Have a 4X4 Tent with 700W LED Light. Problem is it is getting way too hot. I'm vetting into the room the Tent is in. Running 11/13 I have one Vent open at the bottom and it don't seem to hurt anything. Can I open the other Vent?
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    What Is It?

    Had to go to the Hospital. Security asked me what this was? It is a tool for my pipe.
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    Too Loose?

    On my soil mix 1 part Peat Moss, 1 part Perlite, 1 part Garden Soil, 2 parts Compost and Rainbow Pro Mix Grow, Lime and Wood Ash. Right now growing in Plastic Self Watering Pots. All my plants go crazy on this soil roots go go go. Had a person tell me my soil was too loose that the plants are...
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    Year Old

    Came across some Girl Scout Cookies that had been hanging for a year but the Buds were still sticky. So yes very dry. HMM got some Northern Lights Auto just cut and very green. Well Girl Scout Cookies still going but burns fast. So mix Girl Scout Cookies and Northern Lights. Smoked a Bowl...
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    This Has Been Asked Before

    Is this ready Northern Lights Autos? Too late!
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    Can you chop a plant, water the stub and have it regrow?
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    Photos and or Autos?

    I have two 4X4 Tents. I'm allowed 6 plants in one Growth Stage. Right now have 3 Autos and two Photos in each Tent. The Autos have another week or two. The Photos just got topped. I'm thinking 6 Autos in each. Start a grow in one after the others bloom. Son says no do as we're doing.
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    Worm Castings?

    Getting ready to Top will it help any to put Worm Castings around the plants.