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  1. pyromaniac

    Homebox XS setup

    This is my third attempt at growing. After 2 failed and entirely half assed attempts i figured id just do it right. I bought a homebox xs and some foxfarm nutes and mylar etc. Got the mylar covering the inside of the homebox and 6 cfls on 12 plants that i germed using the plate method. (2)42watt...
  2. pyromaniac

    ACid in a Piss test

    how long does acid show up in a urine test for? do they test for it on probation?
  3. pyromaniac

    Teenage mutant mary-juanna plant

    hey, i havent posted on here in awhile. since my first grow last april, i was too disappointed to start another after my babies dies in their 6th week of flowering. so, anyway..... about 3 weeks ago. my friend planted some bag seeds he got from a pretty good sack. hes not very knowledgeable...
  4. pyromaniac


    whats up with gnats? what exactly do they do. and how do they get in my grow space. i dont really have a problem yet, but there are a few floating around. where can i get some of those little sticky traps that everybody has.
  5. pyromaniac

    Nutrient Defiency

    I got these little white spots on a few of my plants leaves. Not all but just a few. Could that be a potassium defiency?
  6. pyromaniac

    24 hour light encourages Males/Hermies?

    Hey, i read an article online that 24 hour light produces a higher male to female ratio, and hermies. does anyone have any experience with this?
  7. pyromaniac

    24 hour light to 16/8

    hey... have a question here. uh....i had my plants on 16/8 hour light for the first week and a half, then after i transplanted them i switched to 24 hour light to get them going again. its week 2 and 1/2. should i switch back to 16/8 light or just leave it at 24? if i should switch, how should i...
  8. pyromaniac

    Best Fertilizer

    i've heard mostly good things about fox farm and adanced nutrients, not so much for miracle grow. anybody got any opinions on the best Fertilizer(s) to use?
  9. pyromaniac

    How do these look

    How do my little guys look after 2 weeks? all im using so far is 2 100w cfl's. im gettin a few more lights and gonna try a little homemade co2 setup on saturday. notice the little runt in the third pic, hes just as mature as the others but really tiny
  10. pyromaniac

    Cheap N' Easy CO2

    hey hows it goin guys. as the title says im lookin for a cheap way to get some co2 over my setup. maybe something like the 2 liter bottle and yeast trick. does it work? directions would be very much appreciated. thank guys take it easy :peace:
  11. pyromaniac

    Limited space, Limited time

    i need to know how to grow the plants small and as fast as possible (under 3 months).
  12. pyromaniac

    Germination lighting

    whats up guys. this is my first post. gotta say, this the most chill message board ive seen. nobodys biting peoples heads off. but anyway, when im first starting to germinate my seeds, what kind of a light cycle is the best. i always thought that your supposed to start them on 24 hours light...