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  1. C

    need soem pics

    hey guys, gotta report due in like 12 hours, if ya got any cool pics that u just think are outstanding, my report is over marijuana. leave me some love. whats up with everyone btw. beaner, gettin any good outta them toolbox babies?
  2. C


    Ok guys, i need some help here. Dropped a few in the ground naturally as yall may know, was hopin they'd survive like all the other damn underbrush an just keep truckin along. Nope, the damn bugs are gettin to them. Please gimme some simple solutions. Are all pesticides fine, woudl i need one...
  3. C

    As to the matter of couches..

    Ok, i read up all of the burlap sacks and all the other ways to do it, but wouldn't a couch cushion work? I mean, the roots will crawl all throughout it, the foam is sturdy enough to hold the plant upright, and virtually a sponge. Always holds water. I just threw out an old couch an the idea...
  4. C

    Happy 4:20 all!

    Just wantin to say happy 4:20. Mines been great. Already had about 6 ounces this fine fine mornin. Peace out all!
  5. C

    Newbie plowin along

    Ok, smalltime pothead in middle of US wantin to grow some of his own. Not wantin to be truly active in it, seein as how that'd make me stay home rather then in town. Got bout 75 bomb ass seeds that im wantin to drop. So, can I just pick out a spot, plant em, an let em be? Will that work out...