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  1. TabbyDee

    Aphids on harvested buds

    I have a plant that was infested with aphids. The buds still smell good but they look loose and they still have some trichomes on them although some are damaged. My question is can I still smoke the buds if I wash them or is there health risks to smoking bugs?
  2. TabbyDee

    H2O2 ratio for bud wash?

    What % of H2O2 would I use for bud wash? Would I use the 3%?
  3. TabbyDee

    Does she look ready?

    Last year I cut to early and ended up with some pretty crappie smoke. I’m really trying to do it right this year so I bought this $60 microscope from Amazon and here are the pics. Please let me know how long I should wait. I’m looking for a more lazy high Not uplifting and energetic. Also I live...
  4. TabbyDee

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Aphids

    Can someone please tell me the ratio of hydrogen peroxide to distilled water to spray for aphids. Every article I read says something different. Some say 1 part hp 2 parts water some say mix equal amounts and some say add one tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide per eight oz (one cup) of...
  5. TabbyDee

    Brown pistils?

    Can anyone tell me why this happened? And is it ok? The buds are very loose and fluffy too.
  6. TabbyDee

    Watering after plant stress

    Ok so I got aphids on my girls and I delt with them by spraying water and hand picking. I went out this morning and I found and picked off just a few. So my question is can I water and give nutes if a plant looks stressed or if I just cut of 30% of their leaves? Or will it stress them out more...
  7. TabbyDee

    Trichomes damage

    So I got aphids and I rinsed off the plants and cut a lot of leaf’s off and whipped off and killed as many aphids as I could but now the trichomes have lost a lot of their tops and the buds are not sticky anymore. I guess it’s from touching it all up to get the bugs. My question is will the...
  8. TabbyDee

    Spider mites

    My plants have spider mites. I lost my plants last year to these little buggers. I sprayed with insecticidal soap and killed the buds. I hate this, every time in September I get these mites. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to safely get rid of these things. My brother said he sprayed his...
  9. TabbyDee

    Bent branch

    I bent two of the branches on my plant today by accident trying to get the branch under the support ring I have around the plant and now the branches and buds look droopy. Are those branches going to die?
  10. TabbyDee

    Small pot big plant

    I left my 3 plants in smaller pots hoping they wouldn’t grow taller than my fence but I was wondering if doing so will lessen my yield?
  11. TabbyDee

    Removing fan leaves

    Should I remove fan leaves during flowering? My bother keeps telling me that the plant is wasting energy on keeping the fan leaves alive when it could be using that energy for fat buds. Is this true?
  12. TabbyDee

    Three prong leaves

    Hi guys. I’m back again this season with some questions and would appreciate any help. Ok so two of my plants have only grown three prong leaves. There flowering and look healthy otherwise so my question is, do you think the quality will be compromised?
  13. TabbyDee

    Is this male?

    Is this a male pre flowe?
  14. TabbyDee

    Male or female?

    Does this look like a female pre flower?