Search results

  1. Sk-one

    GrowTek Drip Rings

    Hi everyone! The Fertigation Manager is our signature product, but we also have a few other products you might be interested in. One in particular is our drip rings. If you have been considering or using Hydro Halos or Floraflex products to top feed your plants, check out our drip rings...
  2. Sk-one

    Fertigation Manager Basic kit

    Hello everyone! Based on feedback I've been getting, we are making available a starter kit for the Fertigation Manager. It lists for $199.99 and includes: Fertigation Manager controller 4 station feed pump module 80 feet of silicone tubing 4 drip rings What this will do for you is feed your...
  3. Sk-one

    GrowTek introduction

    Hi friends! I've been a member of this community for several months now and was a lurker for quite some time before that :) After taking up the indoor growing hobby a while back I found that I really like growing in coco coir. There are tons of benefits to growing in coco and other soilless...
  4. Sk-one

    Fertigation manager system

    Is anyone aware of an off the shelf system that will automate a drain to waste grow? I've been looking around and I haven't seen one yet. I started my first coco grow 6 months ago and quickly realized that the frequent fertigation took up a lot of time. So for the last six months I've been...