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  1. D

    Leave patches

    I am growing a fem white widow outdoors , I’ve planted it about 2 weeks ago and now some patches are showing. Dont know if its something to worry about or not.
  2. D

    General outdoor grow

    I’ve planted my first plant yesterday and will let it grow naturally , I am going to leave it on a window sill for the first few weeks untill it is strong enough to go outside. Then I will leave it outside through day and night (good climate) until its time for the 12/12. Will this harm my plant...
  3. D

    Outdoor grow help -night

    I am new to this and will start myfirst plant soon. I’m going to grow it outdoors and would like to know if the plant would need complete darknes in the veg stat or just leave it outside through the night. I know it would need complete darkness in flowering (12/12) but would like to know in its...