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    White Widow, GSC, Sour Diesel Auto Update

    It’s been a long time since I updated as my schedule has been full lately. Here are all 3 autoflowers as of this morning: back left: sour diesel (day 27), back right: white widow (day 37), front and center: GSC (day 27) Since my last update I obtained a Taotronics cool mist humidifier to...

    GSC Auto Lower Leaf Discoloration/Decay Progressing to Upper Leaves

    Hello Everybody, I've been searching through various resources to self diagnose a potential problem with my Day 19 GSC auto flower but I'd appreciate some insight from you all. She's been doing quite well recently, until I noticed some lower fan leaves showing signs of distress that must have...

    WW Day 13, GSC Day 4, SD Day 4 Auto Update

    Hello Everyone, My last post failed to upload pictures of the GSC and SD seedlings on their first day, and I hope to avoid that problem going forward. The seedlings are responding well to 4-6 fluid ounces of water about every other day. Between watering, I've misted the top layer of soil to...

    White Widow, Sour Diesel, and GSC Autoflowers

    Equipment & Setup: Mars Hydro 2x2x5 Grow Tent Mars Hydro TS-600 LED Grow Light FoxFarm Happy Frog and Ocean Forest Soil Perlite Honeywell Turbo Force HT900 Fan 2 Clay & 1 Black Plastic Nursery Pots Lacrosse Indoor/Outdoor Hydrometer/Thermometer Vivosun 3 Gallon Fabric Pots One-Wrap .5" Velcro...

    Seedling Discoloration

    Hello Everyone, I began my first grow earlier this month and sprouted a White Widow auto 6 days ago. I'm growing in a 2x2x5 tent with a Mars Hydro TS-600 LED. I sprouted the seed using the paper towel method and placed it in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. I planned to start the seedling in Happy...