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  1. gezzy da snowman

    Cut back Autoflower light cycle for final 2 weeks?

    Hey i have started flushing my plants and have been running the lights on 18/6 throughout their entire life. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to do 16/8 or anything like that, i have heard it might increase the yield. Anyone know if this is true and if i should do it.
  2. gezzy da snowman

    Cut back Autoflower light cycle for final 2 weeks?

    Hey i have started flushing my plants and have been running the lights on 18/6 throughout their entire life. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to do 16/8 or anything like that, i have heard it might increase the yield. Anyone know if this is true and if i should do it.
  3. gezzy da snowman

    slap chop used as a grinder?

    ok maby its the quality thc that i just smoked but i had a thought that a slap chop would make a great grinder.........well it would be awsome as long and there were no seeds in the mix any impute ?
  4. gezzy da snowman

    Best Curing Method?

    Hey guys i am about to harvest soon and i was just wondering the best method for curing in Mason Jars, i have a box of them and find they seal up pretty good. I have been told to open the jars 2 times a day for 5-10 minutes each time is this good or is there a best way to do this?
  5. gezzy da snowman

    Final Days till Harvest Help

    Hi i have been flushing my auto rocket fuel for 4 days and will continue untill the run-off is clear. I was just wondering if there were any tips to squeeze some more weight out of them. I have heard that drying out the soil for a day or 2 helps can anyone confirm this?
  6. gezzy da snowman

    Autoflower is 1/4 size of others for every grow

    Hi i have been growing autoflowering strains in my slim closet for a half year now i have had this same problem with every grow. I line up 4-5 plants under a sylverstar t-5 4 bulb all the other plants on the ends and even the left middle do fine. On the right side center under the light my...
  7. gezzy da snowman

    Auto Rocket Fuel help

    Hi ive got two plants left coming along very nicely, i have a nice tall one with several colas and a very short and stubby one. I have had this same problem with the exact spot i put the short one under the light. On all my grows the plant to the right center always becomes very bushy and...
  8. gezzy da snowman

    bag seed project

    a week ago swim started a new project with some bag seeds, swim has a few questions. swim has grown differnt strains of autos but never a non auto... so the first question is whats a typical veg period for bag seeds, now swim knows to make a plant flower, swim has to change the light cycle to...
  9. gezzy da snowman

    i smoke way too much

    ok so it may be my age but my friends and i have an unusual tollarance to good tree and as a result we kill 8ths in like 2 -3 days i am sry but i love being high for breakfast lunch and dinner but seriously its getting redicilous any ideas how i can slow down i am open to thoight
  10. gezzy da snowman

    autoflower smoker report

    ok i wanted to post a few auto smoke reports because i believe info should be shared ak47 lowryder: smooth but very narcotic smoke put most newbies and females to sleep lowlife lemon skunk: the best auto in my book bag appeal is a 8, the smoke its self is a real brain buzz def worth the...
  11. gezzy da snowman

    tripping for a weekend stright

    ok my friends and i got to festivals all the time these days. they last the weekends, so i find my self in the stuation where i want to trip for both nights. the only problem is when you eat 5 hits of L the first night you have to eat like 10-13 to trip just as hard the 2nd. now a thought came...
  12. gezzy da snowman

    autoflower growing super slow

    ok i have one auto rocket fuel baby growing with 2 short stuff plants sharing the same light. the light is on for 18/6 and there all babies. now the problem is the rocket fuel is super tiny and growing super slow. does anyone know if the rocket fuel strain requires 12 12 to start out or is...
  13. gezzy da snowman

    Starting Light Cycle for Autoflower

    Hi all i was just wondering what the best light cycle was to start seeds just planted in soil. I ran 18/6 the whole way through before and i wasnt sure if i shold give them more light since they are still underground?
  14. gezzy da snowman

    Best Method for Starting Seeds

    Hey guys i have had some rough times with sturdy plants and starting them. I heard dropping into a shotglass with water till they sink is good but im not sure where to go from there. I was going to use rockwool tablets or those starter tablets in the tray. I have heard they break the soil...
  15. gezzy da snowman

    Caccoon Buds and Rotting Buds

    I had a very messed up plant that i used too much desert bat guano in. I just cut it yesterday because i noticed one of the buds was completely rotted and gooey. When further expected i noticed most my lower buds had been starting to be covered with a thick web or cocoon. I have a few flying...
  16. gezzy da snowman

    Auto Rocketfuel

    Hey guys any thoughts on the Short Stuff Auto flowering Rocket Fuel strain. I just ordered a fem 5 pack and was wondering if it was real hard to grow and how its smoke was?
  17. gezzy da snowman

    Starting Autoflowering seeds?

    Hey i just got done killing all my female double diesels so i am taking a moment to figure out how it should be done. I was told to start them in pete pellets after sprouting, apparently i was wrong. I am using a humidity dome(would like some tips on using it effeciently) and was thinking...
  18. gezzy da snowman

    PLEASE HELP!! Seeds wont grow

    I have some autoflowering double diesel that i germinated and put in rockwool tablets. they wont pop out and i can see that they arent dead but its been about 9 days. Should i take them out and plant them or something or what can i do. They are in a humidity dome that i cant get above 30RH.
  19. gezzy da snowman

    Help starting some seeds?

    Hey guys i just got off my first grow and did a few things wrong. I just started my new seeds lowryder double diesel, and had a few questions. I started them in a humidity dome in rockwool cubes. I am using Hormex root nuts and they havent popped out of the cubes in 3 days already. My temp...
  20. gezzy da snowman

    if u like L like i do please help out with my ????

    ok so me and my buddies are going to eat 5 hits of some amazing blotter acid and we need to aquire the most colorful and amazing tripping movie .... Fear and Loathing is not the answer i want because we have that, i want a shear epic movie that is full of color any ideas out there?