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  1. PeeDee420

    To Transplant or not to Transplant

    I have 12 gals going in 16oz cups right now. They are 2 weeks old. I figure they are probably getting close to root bound already but here is my problem. I am going to finish them in 1 gallon pots but I dont want to waste the soil on males. So I wanted to switch to 12/12 now & then only...
  2. PeeDee420

    12/12 back to 24 then back to 12/12

    Ok so I started a 12/12 from seed grow and they sprouted 14 days ago. So far so good but I am getting nervous. I dont like to buy weed from my dealer but I dont know if I will have enough in my harvest to last me to next harvest. I was thinking of switching them back to 24/0 for a few weeks...
  3. PeeDee420

    12/12 from seed with CFLs

    Well finally I have decided to start my second grow! These are seeds from the only plant I have ever grown. Her name was oddly enough Adam lol. I had started 2 plants, Adam & Eve. Eve grew some big ole balls so I was left with Adam. The smoke from Adam was amazing and me and my wife called it...
  4. PeeDee420

    Shes not a virgin no more

    So this morning I checked on my plant and guess what? We have an immaculate conception! 1 plant in the closet and now I have seeds. I guess somewhere on her a penis formed and pollinated some buds but I can't find any pollen sacks anywhere. It doesnt look like all the buds are pollinated but...
  5. PeeDee420

    41 days into flowering problems

    Click on the link it my sig & check out the last page of my grow journal I have pictures of my plant and a close up of a leaf. The leaves are getting rust spots that cover the whole leaf then dry it up and it curls up and dies. I already flushed once, now I feeding 1/2 strength nutes. Will I...
  6. PeeDee420

    First bong!

    This weekend I will be finally buying my first bong! Right now me an my wife have only smoked from joint,blunt,pipe,vape, and one drunken night from a Coke can. I need some advice on a few things. 1. Type of bong (multi chamber? ice bong? glass bong? metal bong?) 2. Size (does it really...
  7. PeeDee420

    35th day flowering starting to plan ahead

    So as I get closer I still have a few questions. I have read that you should flush 2 weeks before harvest. However I have also read that if you keep feeding and don't flush buds are bigger and that the harshness that you can get in the smoke is from improper curing not from skipping the flushing...
  8. PeeDee420

    30 days flowering probs

    So a few days ago I noticed some leaves near the top to middle of my plant getting brown/orange spots. The leaves then started to curl and dry up. At this point I have lost at least 30 fan leaves which isnt that much because I have quite a bush growing. From what I read it could be...
  9. PeeDee420

    My wife ;)

  10. PeeDee420

    Almost nude pics ok to post?

    So I had to destroy my one plant because it was a male and I had all these beautiful leaves just sittin there in a bag. I ask my wife if she would want to do a photo shoot with them before they wilt and she was very excited to say YA! So that brings me to my question, are they cool to post as...
  11. PeeDee420

    Sativa or Indica

    This is my first grow and my plants in the picture are 40 days old. I think Eve is a male and Adam is a female at this point but I'm not sure. They have been flowering now for 2 days. So any ideas on if their Sativa or Indica? Also if Eve turns out to be a male I was thinking of putting it in a...
  12. PeeDee420

    Question with male & female

    So 35 days into veging and I think I see a few balls forming on my biggest plant. :cry: Do females ever grow anything that I could mistake for balls? My other plant has no signs that I can see of sex. So my question is if the big one is a male and the other is a female, what will happen if I...
  13. PeeDee420

    When to flower with CFLs

    I have 8 42W CFLs for flowering. If luck is with me I have 2 females to flower. I've read that flowering with CFLs can be hard because they dont have much light penetration. So my question is how long should I keep veging? I don't want my plants to get too big for the amount of lighting I have...
  14. PeeDee420

    Early stages of a major problem?

    In the picture notice how the very tips of my leaves are turning yellow and some brown. Is this a sign of something that could get a lot worse? I just transplanted them into fox farms ocean forest but most of the roots are still wrapped around the old MG organic choice potting soil. I have not...
  15. PeeDee420

    PH testing

    So I am 24 days into my first grow and I have yet to check my ph. I only want to grow 4-6 plants per year so I don't want to buy a ph meter if possible. What are the chances my ph will just stay good without me monitoring it? I only use distilled water.
  16. PeeDee420

    When to nute?

    So I transplanted my gals from MG soil to FFOF this passed Saturday. The plants were in 1 gallon pots and the roots filled the entire pot so almost all of the MG soil is still on the roots. They are now in 3 gallon pots and they are 24 days old. When should I start adding my FF nutes? I feel...
  17. PeeDee420

    Did I LST right? Check out the link to my grow journal. I am nervous about the LST I did this morning. I need some people to make me feel more at ease that I did the right thing. They look so not healthy now lol. The pictures were taken just...
  18. PeeDee420

    Vermiculite ratio?

    So today is the day of my big 2 plant repot that I'm nervous about lol. I have some Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil and I also bought some Vermiculite. I read that mixing the Vermiculite with soil is better for the plants. But I can't seem to find the ratio I should use. I read that a good ratio...
  19. PeeDee420


    These are both 18 days old in the pictures. Today they are 21 days old and the problems are worse. The first picture has yellowing on the tips and edges of leaves. The yellowing is now like the color of this smiley :cry:. The second picture is my other plant that just has lots of brown spots...
  20. PeeDee420

    Rate my 18 day old plant!

    So this is my first grow and I just want some opinions on how its going. This plant is 18 days old.