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  1. F

    Question 5/3/07

    I was wandering i kno some ppl who have been tokin 4 a while now. 1 of them drives normal while high and acts normal. Are they still gettin really high and they just kno how to act normal when there high.
  2. F


    Ok here in (state i shall not mention), we have been gettin alot of water latly. LIke i mean heavy downpoors with lighting, wind, ect... I just planted today and i let the rain water my "babies". Tommorow is supposed to be severe weather again. but clear for 3 days then more rain. Should i cover...
  3. F

    Need help. (growing with parents around)

    K i planted some seeds from a bag of hydro. I planted them outside 50-100ft from our shed in a wooded area. is there any homemade device that waters, so i dont have to go out there every 2 or 3 days. I can go out there almost every weekend. Its also kind of close to the shed and ppl r always...