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  1. _EQ

    High Frequency Fert Help

    Hey RIU! I’ve been growing in coco from the start. I was taught to treat it like soil, water when dry type deal. As I’ve grown in this journey, and tried new things. I have stumbled across high frequency fertigating. Man have I been using coco wrong. This is my first attempt at it and I’ve been...
  2. _EQ

    Do these look pollenated?

    Hey y’all, good to see RIU back up and running. I decided to try a breeding run. I shut all fans off, isolated the 2 plants I wanted to seed, and than brushed 2 nodes of two branches for each plant. Waited a few hours, and than introduced them back into the tent which has a few other plants 2...
  3. _EQ

    What’s going on with this seedling?

    First time encountering a seedling with this weird growth. Opinions? Should I scrap it or let it ride out. It’s 1 of 10 all the others sprouted normally.
  4. _EQ

    Anyone have experience with this breeder (2Tents4Growing)?

    Purchased at a local grow store in MA. I follow his IG and has a decent following.
  5. _EQ

    California Light Works SolarXtreme 820 Reviews

    Hey y’all, I’m in the market for a new light for my 5x5. I’m looking into the CLW SX 820, along with a few other brands. Anyone with experience with this company care to give some insight on them? Thanks!
  6. _EQ

    humidity spikes in grow tent

    Hey y’all, I’m running into very intermittent humidity spikes in my grow tent. About every 2-3 minutes my RH will spike about 15-20%. I’m running a portable ac with the exhaust running out of the yent into the room the tent is in. I’ve noticed that along with these spikes the ac exhaust goes...
  7. _EQ

    High tap water ph for supersoil

    i have recently made my first super soil batch, the soil ph is about 7. My tap water after being put through a carbon filter for Chlorine/chloramines comes out at 7.9-8.5 depending. Should I be PHing my water? Or should I be trusting the microbes in the root zone to be buffering to the proper...
  8. _EQ

    First super soil run how did I do?

    Hey y’all, finally mixed my first attempt at a super soil. What do you guys think? What did I do wrong here? Any changes you see that could be made? Recipe:
  9. _EQ

    Help with plant problem ID

    Hey y’all, got some weird blotching going on with my in ground girls. Any ideas what it might be? Been battling Septoria for some time now. Ir
  10. _EQ

    50/50 Coco/Peat mix for base super soil

    Hey yall, I have been thinking about bases for a super soil build I have planned. I see many mixes from others contain peat, very few with a 50/50 mix of peat and coco. I would love to hear your 2 cents. Is there any potential issues id run into using a mix like so? Thanks
  11. _EQ

    Neem Seed Meal Effects on Fungi & Microbe Colony

    Hey yall! Per the title, how much of an effect will adding neem seed meal as an amendment to my super soil recipe have on fungal, and beneficial bacteria activity? I’ve come across a thread on another forum where Capulator (not sure who that is but seems important) states that neem seed meal...
  12. _EQ

    Septoria Issues

    Hey yall, got some septoria that I can’t get a handle on I’ve tried neem and copper fungicide. Both seem to work at slowing progression down, but doesn’t kill it. Is there anything I can use? They’re my outdoor plants, about 2 weeks into flower.
  13. _EQ

    Spider mites on unrooted cuttings

    Hey yall! A buddy brought over some Unrooted clones… this is a first for me, should I just chalk these up as losses? Or if I treat them would they root? Anyone with a similar issue care to comment? Thanks!
  14. _EQ

    Plant issue identification

    Hey yall, is this leaf septoria?
  15. _EQ

    Supercrop fail

    Hey yall, I royally fucked up my first super crop attempt. Is she too far gone?
  16. _EQ

    Water Treatment Question

    Hey yall, sorry back again asking a million questions. I have been using Microbe Life Dechlorinator+ to reduce the chlorine/chloramine content in my municipal tap water. Will this affect the microbe biology in my teas and soils? I purchased a boogie blue plus filter this morning. After reading...
  17. _EQ

    Bug ID

    Hey yall! What am I looking at here? Recently have picked off a few of these guys
  18. _EQ

    Tap PH Question

    Hey yall, I have noticed something that happens to my tap water recently. When I go to water/feed my plants I schlep 2 5 gallon buckets to my basement. There I plop in some air stones in each, and from there I let it sit for anywhere north of 12 hours. The PH of my tap comes out at 7.9-8.1...
  19. _EQ

    Noob Tea Maths Questions

    Hey yall! I have acquired my list of organic inputs for my first run at organics. While I wait on the rest of the list, I plan on trying to brew some teas. My questions are these. How do I know how much dry amendment to use per gallon of water? I know this will come down to specific values in...
  20. _EQ

    2024 Hiatus Comeback Grow

    First grow indoor grow after a 2 year hiatus! Flipped on 5-16-24 2x - Strawberry Guava 2x - InHouse Genetics Platinum Garlic 2x - Crunchberry