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  1. T

    Should I remove one of my lights?

    My setup is one GSC fem and one auto GG side by side in a closet style grow. I’ve got a mini fan but it still gets a bit hot. My lights include a 2000w blurple (actual 390w), a 1000w blurple (actual probably 100w if lucky), and another 1000w blurple the same one but the bloom switch is broke so...
  2. T

    Plz help

    Hey guys. First of all I wanna say I don’t know if these are problems to worry about me not. So in my second week and everything was going great until a few days ago. Variables I know of are the bloom side of my light burnt out completely so I’m running half of what I was for the starting week...
  3. T

    Plz help me
