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  1. C

    In need of some help with these ladies

    In need of some help with figuring out what’s happening to my plants! They are all the same age about 64+ days old northern lights x big bud auto.
  2. C

    Light Distance and Dimming

    Hello, I have an indoor frost pro 280W in a 4x2 tent... I am wondering about light dimming and the height of the light for the plants... If I am starting a grow with seedlings what height should my light be at and also how dim should the light be? How do I increase the light over time on the...
  3. C

    Starting the grow! Some help with seeds!

    Hey guys I just got my seeds in but no light... can I start them and germinate them without it? I have a low powered blurple led strip setup I could use in the first stages of growth! I have auto's and photoperiods I believe which ones would be better to start out with as a beginner? Also how...
  4. C

    New tent 4x2 one light and carbon filter setup questions

    Hello, Just got a new tent also a new grower how do I set up my carbon filter and ducting? Now I am not exhausting to the outdoors so should the fan be close to the light and duct from the top of the tent to the carbon filter outside? any tips or suggestions are appreciated!!!
  5. C

    THC infused carbonated drink

    Heyo, anyone ever try mixing thc with a carbonated drink in a keg before? What was it like? Is it worth it? Thanks in advance!
  6. C

    LED Heights

    Hello, Is there a guide on LED heights throughout growth? and depending on the output do you have to do different heights? What is the height the plant is usually exposed to the most? 6" or 12"?
  7. C

    Warranty differences and cooling

    Hello, quick question I’m now kinda splitting hairs on the lights I wanna choose both are reasonable prices only difference is cooling potential and then the warranty! HLG 320 1 year Warranty Cooling??? Better specs (driver, ppfd...) Better in 4x2 ( what tent I am getting) Indoor Frost Pro...
  8. C

    Seeds do they go bad??

    So I have inherited some seeds no idea how old they are but kept in a dark cool area from what I have been told! I put them in a cup of water for a day let em sink then paper toweled em! They have been in the towel for a day or two now when should I see growth?? What are signs that they are...
  9. C

    LED light for 2x4 Grow Space

    Hello, What would a good LED recommendation for a grow area of 2x4 for someone on a budget??