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  1. Shmomo

    Info on auto flowering seeds

    So I want to try some auto flower seeds. I usually just use feminized. What are the differences and chemicals that work best? Really could use some help as I’ve done trial an error too many times.
  2. Shmomo


    Need help! Why did my leaves get droopy overnight?? One picture is from yesterday and one from today.
  3. Shmomo

    12 and 12 on seed

    I want to start a seed right out at 12 and 12 but I’m not sure which mixture to use. I have the hydro phonics nutrients
  4. Shmomo

    Male or female?

    So I’ve had this plant growing since the beginning of June. The plant had all signs of being female. I started flowering it 3 days ago and it looks like this. Not sure if I should be worried it’s a male. Never had any bumps or sacs. Just hairs.
  5. Shmomo

    Help with topping

    With the plant in the picture, how do I top it? Specifically where
  6. Shmomo

    Tent and lights

    Does anyone have recommendations for a tent kit? Looking for something that works but won’t break the bank!
  7. Shmomo

    Top a plant

    What does it mean to top a plant that is growing super tall?
  8. Shmomo

    First time growing!

    So this is my first time growing and I started the flowering process today. Does anyone have tips for nutrients and what I should watch for. Plus differences between early flowering and late and time periods. Attached is a picture of the 2 I have started. Full one was a clone and the tall one I...