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  1. Johnpep

    Plant seems to keep growing

    Hey guys n gals I have tried growing an autoflower in miracle grow just to see the outcome its been about 70 days now no buds on it but the plant just seems to be getting taller do you think it will bud or should I cut my losses and focus on my other plants
  2. Johnpep


    Hi can anyone tell me if my plant looks ok im just worried about the size of the pot im growing big yeild auto and its only 10 days old but looks massive compared to my pineapple chunk do i need to repot it in a bigger fabric pot?
  3. Johnpep

    First timer grower

    Alittle bit of advice im first time grower im trying out stardawg and pineapple chunk but my leaves look alittle like there curling at the sides am i doing anything wrong???
  4. Johnpep

    First time grower

    Hey guys just looking alittle advice ive started to grow my own 2 plants just to try it out and see if im able to grow these wonderful plants, anyway i will post two pics and can you tell me if they look ok they look alittle long or tall to me im honestly not sure