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  1. K

    Im worried bout my lil seedlings

    Sup guys. After awhile of growing bagseed and practicin the trade, i finally felt i had a lil knowledge to go ahead and get some good seeds. So i got 5 Feminized Snow White from Nirvana. All came and i started the germ process. I plopped em in water till they sank, then put em in some paper...
  2. K

    Ocean Solution

    Hi all!! Was wondering if anyone has used a product called Ocean Solution in their grow. If so could i get some feedback on how it works? Thnx in advance!!!!!
  3. K

    Ocean Solution Questions

    Hi all, my 1st post on here :) Nice to meet u all! Was wondering if anyone has used a product called Ocean Solution in their grow. If so could i get some feedback on how it works? Thnx in advance!!!!!