Search results

  1. Rymaster18

    stumped! whats wrong with this plant!

    5 gallons coco and perlite. watering with a ph between 6.0 and 6.5. I'm using the general hydroponics trio, currently 2ml calmag, 2.5 ml micro, 2.5 ml gro. 1 ml of bloom and also 2 ml of diamond nectar. this is in 1 gallon of reverse osmosis water at room temp. When they were seedlings after...
  2. Rymaster18

    one plant looks weird while the other doesn't?

    5 gallons coco and perlite. watering with a ph between 6.0 and 6.5. I'm using the general hydroponics trio, currently 2ml calmag, 2.5 ml micro, 2.5 ml gro. 1 ml of bloom and also 2 ml of diamond nectar. this is in 1 gallon of reverse osmosis water at room temp. When they were seedlings after...
  3. Rymaster18

    wierd seedling colours? any tips?

    these seedlings are a couple weeks old, they are in coco and perlite
  4. Rymaster18

    Grow light for 4x4?

    Hello im looking for a light that provides good results in a 4x4 for both veg and flower. Also one that doesnt throw off a ton of heat would be great. Thank you for your knowledge
  5. Rymaster18

    4x2x5 with 315cmh?

    I don't have a huge tent but am wondering if this light would be fine? thinking of hanging where it is for the first bit then seeing how the plants react to it
  6. Rymaster18

    Looking for a good exhaust fan and carbon filter.

    Does anybody know where to get reliable carbon filters/fans? in the market for one right now but dont wanna spend some money and have it show up broken or break quickly.
  7. Rymaster18

    Anybody use Crop king?

    If anyone had had experience's growing any of crop kings auto flowers I'd appreciate hearing how it went for you and your results..
  8. Rymaster18

    Autoflower nutrients advice?

    Hello above are cocoforcannabis's nutrient guide however it doesnt specify how to change it up for a auto flower. Any advice from a experienced auto grower would be super appreciated
  9. Rymaster18

    most consistent/best auto seed company?

    Hello. im looking into growing some auto flowers. I was wondering if anybody knows reputable, good, consistent auto seed brands with good genetics. Thanks for the help!
  10. Rymaster18

    315 Migro CMH hang height?

    Hello im curious how high i should hang my 315w cmh from seedlings in a 2x4x6 tent.. gonna do 3 seeds