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  1. Z

    Should I be pruning this back?

    I have quite a bushy strain that is getting denser by the day, and I'm wondering where and if I should be pruning back? There are def some leaves buried in there that won't ever get sunlight at this point - is that a good place to start?
  2. Z

    Should I be worried about all this droop?

    Hi all I think I'm about a month and a half into my grow. In Italy, so I put my plant out during the day now, inside at night. However, I notice a droop that worries me. Watering is going okay - I water only when it's dry up to the first knuckle on my finger/feels light, and I water until I...
  3. Z

    Thin stem issues - stumped

    Hi all, My first plant, by all accounts, looks like it's doing great. Well, except for one issue. While the stem from halfway up is thickening out nicely (have a breeze to provide some bend and pressure) the lower part of my plant is quite thin. It's by no means weak, I touched it and its...
  4. Z

    Sprout Yellow Leaves

    Hi folks I've been looking around for an answer to this, and I'm struggling to understand exactly what's wrong. This is my first grow. I ordered three feminized seeds, germinated the first, and it's going strong in its second week. The second I planted a few days later and has been sprouted...
  5. Z

    New Grower!

    Hi everyone! I'm Zeitgeist, a young grower (24) living in Italy (I'm British by birth). Our top court recently passed a law allowing for legal growing for personal use, so I took advantage and bought 3 feminized seeds to try my hand. Really having fun with the process so far! Planted two...