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  1. StayHungry

    Need help with house flies

    Good Morning and Happy Father’s Day! Recently start another run using 18 plants all together 9 in Promix mix with DTE bio live and the other 9 in a peat/leaf compost/perlite/bio live as well. Didn’t have a fly problem till after the seeds sprouted so I swatted them all dead (maybe 15 at most)...
  2. StayHungry

    White bug found on seedling...

    I found these in pics on a solo cup seedling. I unfortunately didn’t see them until now. Any advice is appreciated! Medium is Promix with some worm castings Would rather not spray anything crazy and if possible get some kind of beneficial predator.
  3. StayHungry

    Cannardo anyone?

    Just got ahold of some Cannarado Apple Sundae have really been able to find anything about it. Anyone else grown their genetics or have any tips for Apple Sundae (hoping I find a decent apple smelling pheno)?
  4. StayHungry

    Young auto flower problems

    I’m having some issues with my autos. Watered yesterday with 6.5 ph dechlorinated water. Woke up to some looking like this. Only thing that has changed other then watering is I changed the light from a 8 bulb T5 to a 250watt LED. The light is hanging at 24” from the top of the plant. Other...
  5. StayHungry

    Planning a 4'x 8'x 6' need (LED,Fan) advice please

    Good Evening everyone! I planning on putting together a 4'x 8' x 6' tent to run a perpetual grow. Today I ordered CloudLine T8 and a couple box fans for inside the tent. I've noticed the reviews on the 8" model to be not as good as the 6" (mainly complaints about noise) would a 6" be enough...
  6. StayHungry

    First Auto Setup (advice needed)

    Good afternoon everyone! I'm currently in the process of setting up a 4'x 2'x 6' tent with some Mephisto genetics using 5 gallon smart pots filled with Pro-Mix CC mixed with down to earth 4-4-4 which leads to some questions. Will a 5 gallon pot be overkill? How many plants will i be able to...