Search results

  1. jackelope

    starting salaries for head growers and assistants???

    hi all,im legal in AZ and have been offered a position as head grower in a commercial space for one of the prospective dispensaries here in the state...i'm meeting tomorrow to see the space and discuss the finer details but i have no idea what someone in my position would expect to make based on...
  2. jackelope

    mid-size closet with 1000w hps

    hello all,im looking to get some input on the setup i want to start working with.. i'v been working with a 400w hps in a sun tube with a 170cfm fan exhausting the room by blowing through the tube. the closet is 600 cubic ft. i use half for veg with cfl's...that leaves 300 cubic ft for...
  3. jackelope

    liquid light and bushmaster?

    growing in hydro i'v had great results using liquid light mixed with dutch masters penetrator for foliar feeding. i recently picked up some bushmaster for the next grow and with what i'm reading it seems this stuff is pretty strong. my aim is to develop a stragety to use the liquid light as...
  4. jackelope

    ready to flush first grow with bugs

    ready to start my pure water flush in a couple days and from what i read it looks like i have a white fly problem...i plan on flushing for a week but i dont know what to do about the bugs...i'v been using Natural Guard insecticidal soap for the bugs on my veggin plants,the label says you can use...