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  1. J

    72 hours of darkness?

    I watered my plants with ice water and put them in 72 hours of darkness. I’m cutting them down tommarow but I looked at them and they they dried out and are drooping is this normal
  2. J

    Is it better to grow a lot of untrained plants or fewer trained plants?

    I’m wondering if I’d get faster and higher end of year yields if I didn’t train my plants and just added more.. I have a 2x2 grow tent I use to try new things and noticed the one plant I had from seed that was untrained out of the 5 was the biggest and fattest. It looks like one big corn dog...
  3. J

    Essential oils in humidifier?

    I was wondering if It would be safe to put some essential oils in my humidifier to prevent mold.
  4. J

    Do I need to cure before making dry ice hash?

    I’m about to harvest and want to make dry ice hash but can’t find anything on the internet that says if I need to cure it before or after. Has anyone made dry ice hash before that can tell me what to do?