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  1. B

    Help!!! Plants leaves turning dark green and folding

    Idk what’s causing it can I flush it or something it’s in week 2-3 in flower
  2. B

    HELP!! leaves are turning dark green and look like the folding

    It’s in week 2-3 and idk what’s wrong with it
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    How to get rid of leaf septoria

    my plant is infected with leaf septoria and I’m broke because bills and don’t have the extra money to be buying anything is there something to do at home
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    Is my plant flowering

    She’s putting out purple pistols every where
  5. B

    My pistols are turning pink or purple

    yes I have pistols sprouting and they are like a pinkish purple
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    Is my plant male or female?

    I have 4 plants outside and on 1 where I topped it it produce little male pollen sacks it looks like does this mean they are forsure male plants