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  1. Fupaslayer

    Any clues?

    I’m about 5 weeks in veg using ffof. I only been giving cal mag every watering and was not phing. Any ideas of what’s the cause of these brown spots? Calcium? I starting phing cal mag to 6.9 today and top dressed with some 4-8-4
  2. Fupaslayer

    What could it be?

    I’m about 5 weeks in veg using ffof. I only been giving cal mag every feeding and was not phing. Any ideas of what’s the cause of these brown spots? Calcium?
  3. Fupaslayer

    Coco loco 1st time

    I just found out that coco loco is not a soilless mix; so what should I ph my water to? And I plan on using 444 dry amendments; should I add it when I transplant my seedling?
  4. Fupaslayer

    Trying to learn

    I want to go organic on my next grow but have no clue to what I would need! What would I need for the veg cycle then my flower. I was wanting to just use dry amendments. Links and advice would be appreciated
  5. Fupaslayer

    Need 2nd opinions!

    I’ve gotten some help two weeks ago with my problem but thing just keep getting worse+ my buds are so skinny and long! Im just entering week six of flower with my first auto attempt in coco.. I’m using emerald harvest Cali pro two part nutes at full strength, 315 cmh & lm301b 288QB. All my girls...
  6. Fupaslayer

    Epsom salt ppms

    how much epsom salt to a gallon of water to raise mg ppm by 10-15?
  7. Fupaslayer

    Optimal NPK ratios?

    i was wondering what are some npk ratios y’all use with cal and mg ratios included also please! I’ve been running emerald harvest full lineup without sturdy stock and haven’t been to pleased!
  8. Fupaslayer

    Week 3/4 flower trouble

    dwc running full strength emerald harvest nutes with the cal-mag
  9. Fupaslayer


    start of week two of flower.... any ideas of what deficiency this is? I was thinking cal but I’m not sure! Pic 1&2 are same plant and 3 is diff and so is four
  10. Fupaslayer

    Found a bug!!

    is this the bug that’s attracted to light? If so is it harmful either way I’ve been trying to get rid of them
  11. Fupaslayer

    Any ideas?

    A clone that’s been rooted for almost a week and the brown spots on edges popped up today
  12. Fupaslayer

    Rooted clones

    i have 7 clones that all rooted and I transplanted 4 into ffof and 3 in coco and two from each medium are started to get yellow/brown edges! Could it be to much light or nute burn?.maybe a fungi?( I was over misting them for awhile)All transplants were done on Sunday today being Wednesday
  13. Fupaslayer

    Day 1 of flower

    so last night was my first long night for the girls because they were switched to 12-12 yesterday and this morning when I go to check on them; all the tops are yellow/green. Is this normal for when you flip them? I don’t think it’s a nute problem because all of my girls have it(5 coco, 2 ffof...
  14. Fupaslayer

    Day 1 of flower

    so last night was my first long night for the girls because they were switched to 12-12 yesterday and this morning when I go to check on them; all the tops are yellow/green. Is this normal for when you flip them? I don’t think it’s a nute problem because all of my girls have it(5 coco, 2 ffof...
  15. Fupaslayer

    Foliage feeding

    when foliage feeding with epsom salt, what should I ph the water to?
  16. Fupaslayer

    What could this be?

    I’m in coco and did neglect here for a few days but did flush her with 2 gallons awhile ago
  17. Fupaslayer

    What could this be

    I’m in coco and did neglect her for a few days(about 3/4) but have always watered with nutes... I did flush her with 2 gallons a few minutes ago hoping she bounces back
  18. Fupaslayer

    Qb questions

    whats the recommended height of hanging a LM301B (288pcs w/ 660nm ) 240watts from top of the canopy
  19. Fupaslayer

    Samsung 3000k with red

    has anyone tried this board? 240 watt