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  1. S

    Contaminated weed, any use?

    Hey all, I got some contaminated weed here (Ireland). It smelled like a haze and I was told it wasnt sprayed, I had asked as it's very common here. I dont know what's on it, I suspect wall paper paste, but is there anything I could do with it? Make butane honey oil I was thinking maybe, but...
  2. S

    Critique my list/plan, new 2x600 watt set up!

    Hello all, just getting together a plan for my new grow. I've grown twice under a 400 watt hps before and didnt do it right as regards temps and humidity, I just threw the light in the closet and harvested small buds! This time myself and a buddy have a bit of money so we are going to do...
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    Maple Leaf, outdoor in Ireland

    Hello all! I planted about 40 very young plants outside back in the end of july, I went out yesterday to check on them and found a few eaten and a few not growing but there's still about 20 very healthy looking plants. One problem is, why arent they flowering yet? I was thinking I might even...
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    Irish Guerrilla 2009 to the fine kind

    I have one word at the moment- YES! After 2 years of trying to find a viable spot for a safe outdoor grow I think this morning I have found it! It's off a road (rarely used, cars fly down it, no footpath) and behind bushes and trees that are about 9 foot tall, and this section is about 20...
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    What happens to people I live with?

    Imagine this hypothetical situation: 3 guys living together all friends with seperate bedrooms. One guy has plants in his room, the other two know nothing about them. What would happen if the house was to be raided and plants were found in the one person's room. The two guys says they...
  6. S

    Anyone ever grown a shitload of autos?

    Hey, Im considering this for my next grow. I saw a video of 60 lowryder 2s under a 600watt HPS on youtube. So I'm assuming 40 AK47xLR2 will do good under my 400 HPS....anyone ever done this or something similar? Can I still expect 1oz/plant...
  7. S

    400 Watt options, Autos or early flower? Yeild most important

    I have a 400 watt lamp and a couple of questions! This will be my third grow, my first was Lowryder 2 and the second was A.M.S (ended up doing them inside, were meant for out but Ireland's shit weather changed that!). I made a few mistakes (Like no airflow in a wardrobe!) but I'm pretty...