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  1. P

    The Aerogarden killed my BAYBAY!(aussie accent)

    Sigh.... so today would be week 9 or 5th week of flowering. I noticed yesterday tha my leaves were a bit droopy, and thought nothing of it. It has been very hot and humid here as of late so I assumed it was just heat stress, and that she would get over it with a little love and care. Today I...
  2. P

    Papaya aerogarden

    Well..... out of my 3 plants 2 papaya 1 hk I pulled one out already assuming it was a male... by the balls I had noticed. Unfortunately going on to read more into sexing. A male and female plant are almost identical during preflower, the tell tale sign are the pistallite. can someone...
  3. P

    To the Aerogarden masters!

    First off, Tek! you my friend are a good man! big shout out to you, merc, van, and knomn.. you guys have helped me along quite a bit. Read the entire first thread, and learnt all I need to know before getting started. I seen this king of noob products on tv about a month ago, even before...