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  1. Jakefromstatefarm

    First time growing need advice

    Hey you can get everything u need for your purpose at Amazon or Ebay. That 400 watt light is too much for a small closet please learn a bit more about fertilizer - P H and the growing environment u need to create buy Marijuana Horticulture the indoor outdoor Medical Growers Bible author Jorge...
  2. Jakefromstatefarm

    Please help new grower here don't want these to die

    They have to and the look strong and they can take a lot of abuse only thing is it sets them back for a few days to a week or more depending on how bad they were also remember that plant foods change the ph also salts build up in the soil so Vostok suggested flushing and he is absolutely right...
  3. Jakefromstatefarm

    Please help new grower here don't want these to die

    Are you adjusting the PH of your water or nutrient? Also it looks like might need Nitrogen and cal mag or Epsom. PH could be a little high.
  4. Jakefromstatefarm

    Idiots Guide To Coco Coir

    Many Thanks to you for sharing this is valuable information this made all the difference to gain the edge between success or failure for me.