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  1. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    I never let a fan leaf live for more than 2 weeks, veg thru bloom.
  2. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    Practice makes perfect. Remember that standing leaf theory, it sound advice. Keep your bloom at 75 degrees at the canopy. Any time delaying stress causes reduced yield.
  3. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    You notice you don't see no popcorn, defoliation bro
  4. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    Yeah, that's my last medical cycle run. 62 plants.
  5. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    Yeah you want hps in flower. I use hps and mh in bloom
  6. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    But I could be wrong
  7. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    This is what defoliation can do 4 u
  8. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    My fault man, I meant super cropping. There's so many different terms now.
  9. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    Well if it's 85 in your tents it's probably a 105 under your lamp. Look it up bro. Air cooled hud, they come in all watt categories. Their life savers in any grow room.
  10. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    Grab you an air cooled hud, and a ducted fan and exhaust. Run that heat out of the tent. You'll be able to put your light much closer. Usually bleaching and heat go hand and hand and it takes a lot of light to cause bleaching. Bend your branches dude, every branch that is getting taller than...
  11. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    Well strain is a strain. It can be a nugget or a fist size bud, if grown properly the bud quality will be the same. Defoliation is the practice of creating as much light to each individual bud site, no more week airy buds and no more larfy trash that you really don't even wanna trim. Give...
  12. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    Remember defloliation in veg keeps plants short, more nodes witch means thinker branching and bigger buds grow on bigger stems.
  13. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    Every 2 weeks throughout cycle from root set. Take all the fan leaves. 99% of people's problems that occur are from over watering. If your plants ever start to yellow, pale or blotch and you've been feeding a responsible regimen of nutes and ph is kept in check then it's always over watering and...
  14. TheSecretGuy...

    Can I Cut Off The Fan Leafs?

    Absolutely you can! It's a very effective way to get your plants to stay short and produce more nodes. Very controversial subject, I'm on the side that says hell yeah and defoliate threw veg and bloom. I've been on the side that says don't chop fan leaves until I tried it myself and I'll never...
  15. TheSecretGuy...

    Flowering time help

    What makes you think they were root bound? That little girl isn't root bound, 5 gallon pots can put out some pretty huge plants. Never a good idea to put roots in open ground either!
  16. TheSecretGuy...

    Ph issue?

    No its a good thing to soak the medium until run off every watering and like you said wait till completely dry. I'm sure it must be the lack of PH buffer, plants can't thrive without it really. If I was you I would transplant the girl into some soil that you've limed but remember be extra easy...
  17. TheSecretGuy...

    Flowering time help

    I've been gr I've been growing for about 8 years now and never understude why people transplant any way. Ya clone or seed, Dixie cup to final destination pot. I do understand the plant seems to grow slightly faster in a smaller surrounding but not worth transplanting every 2 or 3 weeks to me...
  18. TheSecretGuy...

    ffof too much N?

    I've grown in fox farm soil many times but I use soil less now. It appears as nitrogen toxicity to me, but not a major case. You say your a week into flower and the plant will love that extra nitrogen for the next few weeks but definitely don't add more and if the leaves haven't unclawed as...
  19. TheSecretGuy...

    Ph issue?

    What's this homemade seedling mix? You need some kind of ph buffer in the soil. And the plant is showing suffocation, the leaves should never droop and if they do that's the plant telling you it can't breath. 99% of people's problems stem from over watering! Never water you plants unless the...