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  1. J

    How does religfious belief carry on ?

    bare with me for this crude analogy legalization of bud is damaged by smokers as beilef in god is damaged by belivers lol
  2. J

    How does religfious belief carry on ?

    that is a sad but true statment
  3. J

    How does religfious belief carry on ?

    so in a sence you complain that creationest are wrong for believing without fact but you can? you are no def than what bothers u
  4. J

    How does religfious belief carry on ?

    (theory = educated guess )= (evolution = theory)
  5. J

    How does religfious belief carry on ?

    i believe in god but that is my choice i have my reason
  6. J

    How does religfious belief carry on ?

    when the theory of evalution is no longer a theory. it will hold more sway i will hold on to my theory that i was created your aguing a point of veiw not facts neither side has the ability to disprove the other so this thread and all the others like it are just a way to bring up your feelings...
  7. J

    Homemade Bong bowl ideas

    ok inside your shower head there is (most of the time) a screen and some showere heads make a pretty decent bowl plus you can put them back to gather and no one is the wiser (MAKE SURE TO REMOVE RUBBER O RINGS BEFOR YOU LIGHT UP ) LOL
  8. J

    Guy bought 10 8th's?!

    this isnt 100% accurate but it gives you a good ideal and its fun to look at
  9. J

    dramatic sour d

    ok i have a white widow, a atrain, and a sour D i was letting them get dry befor i waterd again lmao so the roots would spread well my sour d decided it was going to go all emo and droop like it was going to die so i waterd it and 2 hours later it was all perky again lol just wanted to share...
  10. J

    Chronic pipe/bong breaker seeks THICK pipe and bong that i cant break.

    bong/ pipe neckless so it can never truly be droped
  11. J

    this is for the munches

    love it lol
  12. J

    this is for the munches

    planing on going to sams soon to stock the pantry was wondering what everyone liked with there munches :lol:
  13. J

    List of Reasons You Don't Believe In God.

    o btw the bible speaks of ghost and demons so to believe in the word means there are ghost and demons and i was a hard core tweeker years ago and the voice you hear could be your friend or some voice you never heard before but it does seem to come from out side your head
  14. J

    List of Reasons You Don't Believe In God.

    ok ill open with this I believe in god i understand why alot dont, christanity is its own enemy the ideal of use getting it right is impossible everything is seen threw our own eyes so we see things in away that benifits our selfs i understand why one would not believe, especially when...
  15. J

    4 Months down the drain...not to mention the power bill....

    cheap shaving cream 1.oo at doller tree i like it so i can squirt it on the wall and wipe clean lol
  16. J

    4 Months down the drain...not to mention the power bill....

    if you decide to clean your area use shaving cream on walls its just a highly consetrated soap mop with vinager or add little to your steam clean if you got carpets
  17. J

    Danger! Should I go back??

    its your spot so you should know the ground well just lay back smoke some cigs and watch the area thats what cops do to catch you, you can do the same to spot them (if there even there ) if you know your area you should be able to see whats out of place right?
  18. J

    hello and hi i think this is one of the most useful sites ive seen one question though how long...

    hello and hi i think this is one of the most useful sites ive seen one question though how long befor my post are aproved by moderators so i can start getting feed back
  19. J

    optional lights?

    these are inexspensive lights that i have found, they dont get hot and they put out a decent amount of light. i cant afford mh or hps cost or the cost to run them i am growing for the privlage to have and not be around the negative aspect that is associated (unfairly)with bud. most that ive read...
  20. J

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    hello figured my first post should be useful so i found this sight pretty useful lol they got a large selection and i have orderd some led bulbs from thim and got them pretty quick the led bulbs seem to be working pretty decent im from the states with limmited space so...