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  1. M

    Apera PH meters- AVOID

    My apera ph meter got moist inside after over one year use, 14-15 months, amazon asked if I want refund or replacement. Got a refund in couple of days.
  2. M

    What ph of water with GH nutrients?

    Sorry for confusion, I ph after adding nutrients.
  3. M

    What ph of water with GH nutrients?

    What ph should be the water, if I'm using hydroponics GH Flora Trio series nutrients in soil? I was using water ph'ed to 6.5, but there was nutrient def. and I was advised to ph it to 5.8, because 6.5 was to high for hydroponic nutrient. Would that be correct?
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    Leaves turning purple

    Quick update. It's getting worse. The buds on this one stopped growing.
  5. M

    Leaves turning purple

    Maybe should I try to give just water+calmag, next 3 feeds?
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    Leaves turning purple

    I was guessing about harvest time, by seed company, which stated that its 63 days from seed. Could be more of course then two weeks. I've used the bloom booster after two weeks into flowering, I used bud ignitor at half dose when saw preflower signs. What would you advise?
  7. M

    Leaves turning purple

    I think I'm about 2-3 weeks to harvest. When you say 2-2-2, that means two parts of nutrient? The reason I cut out grow part, was that I read few people who used o ly micro and grow parts - "Lukas formula". Next time I'll do differently.
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    Leaves turning purple

    I stopped using grow part when flowering started. So maybe it was a mistake.
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    Leaves turning purple

    Well the last grow was the same, and I used all three of them through full cycle. Should I add nitrogen now on it's own?
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    Leaves turning purple

    I thought so. Would GH Flora series, using micro and bloom at 2.5ml of each in a gallon of water,have not enough nitrogen?
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    Leaves turning purple

    Yeah, I'm in plagron lightmix soil. I'm using GH Flora trio series, only micro and bloom at the moment. Used grow only for couple of weeks. I'm completely lost, cos don't know whats causing it. Would you say it's phosphorus def? I've tried to add 2ml per gallon of phosphorus on it's own last...
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    Leaves turning purple

    Few photos
  13. M

    Leaves turning purple

    Growing Super critical auto, when started to flower the leaves started to turn purple. Im using bloom booster with 0-50-30. Had the same issue with grow before. They were going purple,crispy and dying. Water is ph'ed to 6.5.
  14. M

    First grow problem

    Thanks for comment, I ph water from day 1 at 6.5, the run off is 6.5 +-0.1 on all plants.
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    First grow problem

    The plant started to flower couple day ago. Should I still give him nitrogen?
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    First grow problem

    I don't think that I'm overwatering, because I water when pot is lightweight.
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    First grow problem

    That was four days ago.
  18. M

    First grow problem

    I've tried to give 2 litres of water with 2 ml of nitrogen, but it didn't solve the problem. Should I give more?
  19. M

    First grow problem

    Growing 4 auto plants in plagron lightmix. They are 4 weeks old and just started to develope pistils. The problem is that lower leaves are turning yellow with strange colour spots. You can see in a photo. They got ghe flora series nutes at half strengh yesterday and calmag 5ml per gallonAny advise?