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  1. max316420

    dying yellow leaves a month into flower...could really use your advice. thanks!

    just wondering if you ever figured out your problem, sorry havent been on here in months but from the looks of the picture you have a calmag def.. I use general organics calmag + 1 teaspoon epsom salt with every water.. This problem is so common and easily overlooked that it can drive some...
  2. max316420

    I need a high quality grow tent

    I'd like some recommendations on a good grow tent, I need it to be about 5x5xat least 6 feet tall.. Never used grow tents before so don't really know shit about them and don't wanna waste the money so i figured id get some different opinions.. any help is much appreciated
  3. max316420

    i just built a greenhouse for my plants and im having a problem

    basically when the plant gets to hot its unable to uptake the nutrients which is causing lockout, plus you wanna make sure you let your soil completely dry out between waterings because if you don't the plant will "suffacate" and will not be able to "breathe" due to roots staying too wet too long
  4. max316420

    i just built a greenhouse for my plants and im having a problem

    has your soil been able to completely dry out or has it stayed wet the whole time?
  5. max316420

    yellow spots ?

    upload them right to this thread...
  6. max316420

    Top Leaves Turning Brown.

    Does that soil already have food in it? If so it might be too hot for the youngin's
  7. max316420

    MK Ultra

    Your telling me no one on this forum has any experience with this strain??? WOW
  8. max316420

    MK Ultra

    no brotha it doesn't need more food.... trust me lol and I got pissed and smashed my cam. I need info from someone that has grown this strain before, not general info about weed in general
  9. max316420

    MK Ultra

    So I'm new to growing MK Ultra and seems to be a great strain, smell, high taste yadi yadi.. So this is for any experienced mk growers. Can you give me any info on what kind of eater she is? I am feeding her lite as hell and they still seem to be burning? Normal feeding during veg and their...
  10. max316420

    Plant problem can anyone help? PLEASE :)

    But from what I can see just looks like you need to up your nitrogen intake a smidgen...
  11. max316420

    Plant problem can anyone help? PLEASE :)

    You might be overdoing it with all the supplements and shit, plus take a pic with your hps light off so we can get a clear view of the color of the leaves.
  12. max316420

    Magnesium Def Noticed Advice Needed

    Are you sure it's a magnesium def? Can you post any pics? I have a strain that is a magnesium hog in flowering but requires no extra in veg.. Epsom salt works ok but if you can get your hands on general organics calmag I have found outta ALL calmags and supplements out there that this stuff...
  13. max316420

    Brown spotting, leaf curling, yellowing on older leaves

    I think your lacking nitrogen, get some veg food instead of using bloom... Its either that or your ph..
  14. max316420

    Mites 2.5 weeks into flower, question

    Neem oil will take care of both..
  15. max316420

    Mites 2.5 weeks into flower, question

    Get some neem oil and spray them, I wouldn't recommend mixing to insecticides together..
  16. max316420

    Brown spotting, leaf curling, yellowing on older leaves

    what's your foods NPK ratio? And how are you testing your ph?
  17. max316420

    How to treat a nitrogen def.

    quickest way is to foliar feed with a veg food...
  18. max316420

    My first NL scrog

    She looks nice and healthy
  19. max316420

    Neem Oil

    You can use neem oil up to 10 days before havest, people will tell you that it will make your buds taste funky but IMO it doesn't seem to affect the taste at all.. And its 100% organic so it's completely safe.
  20. max316420

    Yellow Leaves

    your food isn't the problem, your lacking magnesium