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  1. L

    How much longer till harvest

    I don't have a strong magnifying glass. Can anyone tell how close this is to harvest? It's at the very beginning of week six. To me the trichomes look white but not that many red hairs. Also I got a little yellow on the borders of topmost leaves. I moved the lights away thinking it's light...
  2. L

    Need help identifying problem

    Can anyone help me decide what's wrong by looking at this leaf. It is affecting leaves throughout the plant. It is just starting week 5 of budding. So far, the buds and sugar leaves look ok. I was thinking a cal/ mag deficiency.
  3. L

    Need help with diagnosis a/s/a/p

    Tap water with a pH about 6.7. Just been giving it a bat guano tea lately. This is my first plant and I'm m kind of learning as I go. Just bought some Emerald Harvest Bloom and cal mag formula. Hope it helpd
  4. L

    Need help with diagnosis a/s/a/p

    Looking at the pics on the forum, I think my lighting made the plant look much worse than it is. Most of the leaves are green and healthy. It'just about ten leaves or so throughout the plant that are affected at this stage. I'm ve done some more research and am thinking of adding a cal mag...
  5. L

    Need help with diagnosis a/s/a/p

    There is no mold anywhere and the flowers/ buds look clean and healthy. The plant was fine last week
  6. L

    Need help with diagnosis a/s/a/p

    The room is about 55,% humidity, it's a basement. I have 2 fans going do there is plenty of circulation. Do you think I may just be able to save is? What do you mean by lost cause?
  7. L

    Need help with diagnosis a/s/a/p

    So my plant is about three weeks into the flowering/ budding stage. This yellowing with brown spots is coming up all over, not just on the bottom. This is my very first plant and I am lost on what to do.
  8. L

    Doing great

    Almost 5 ft. and thank you!
  9. L

    Doing great

    I mean 12/12 lol, can't believe I typed 13/13,
  10. L

    Doing great

    After a rough start, looking good! Have been on 13/13 for 2 weeks now. No problems.
  11. L

    Brown spots, plz help!

    Thank you so much. I will buy the emerald harvest!
  12. L

    Brown spots, plz help!

    It's hard to get a good photo of the plant because of the lights and limited space. This is my first time trying to grow and TBH, I didn't think I could do it. Anyways, I used Ocean Forest soil by Fox Farms, mixed with some extra bat guano. I use water with a pH oh 6.7-6.7, I have also watered...
  13. L

    Brown spots, plz help!

    I noticed these brown spots on several of the lower leaves. One leave was actually all yellow and brown. What can this be and how can I fix it?
  14. L

    Slightly curled leaves.

    I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest mixed with some bat guano. I use a guano tea for watering every 3 waterings. I have a Luminpool LED grow light with 3 adjustable light strips for the sides (on a tripod) and a 100 watt LED clip on for the top . I use tap water that I let stand overnight with a...
  15. L

    Slightly curled leaves.

    Ok , I had read about excess nitrogen. How do I flush that? Grow scoop? I'm so new at this, I don't know all the terminology yet. First plant!
  16. L

    Slightly curled leaves.

    I just noticed a few leaves are curling down a little. What could this be and how can I fix it?
  17. L

    Two shades of green on fan leaves

    They look like little spiders, I know, and I brush all those webs away constantly. However, I've never actually seen any on the plant. There were some tiny flies around, which are now dead from spiders. I looked up the mites and they don't look the same. Since it's in the basement, I figured...
  18. L

    Two shades of green on fan leaves

    Will do that! Ty for the help!
  19. L

    Two shades of green on fan leaves

    Thanks, I've ordered some bat guano for the top dressing. I've also got some epsom salts.
  20. L

    Two shades of green on fan leaves

    Thanks, I've ordered some bat guano for the top dressing. I've also got some epsom salts.