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  1. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    I flushed all pots heavily. And fed a low ppm feed after. out ppm and ph were solid. Only roughly 2 weeks left. It hasn’t gotten worse in the week. And the ones that were affected a smidge also have no progression on deficiencies. I’m just going to let it fly to 60 and be done with it. Lesson...
  2. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    These plants can definitely take a beating. Definitely wish they didn’t though this round lol. To compare this is same strain(glitter bomb) 2 different plants. one that’s affected and one that’s not.
  3. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    I can agree with that. For sure. That makes proper sense. My irritation practices weren’t up to par. Especially my p2s. I like Minimum is 6 feeds. I was only doing 2. So it was inevitable in actuality to run into this problem :wall:
  4. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    Yeah it sucks. Especially when you’re unsure of the problem. A little too late to fix it now tbh. I’ll let em fly and either scrap the deficient half of the room or possibly Rosin if it’s not too bad.
  5. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    This was them before being flipped. On 3.0 ec. Just to show I’m not a total hack (white is sulfur) I appreciate all the fast responds from you guys. I was definitely scratching my head on this one.
  6. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    Ppm out. As long as ph on my run off. And this was off of a plant that’s still green and thriving. So i can only imagine what the ones that are having the lockout issue are.
  7. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    I’ve ran all these strains before. They all handle the ec extremely well. MAYBE tip burn but aside from that. Healthy and thriving. I’m going to say the guy who stated lockout was accurate. Which is why I have 10 deficiencies going on at once . Lesson learned.
  8. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    Lol. Yeah that’s the logic behind it. I’d say lock out is my culprit. I took a plant that was the most affected and checked the roots. Salt build up from the top to the bottom ‍♂️
  9. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    Yes. Same nutes. Same ec. 3.0 from clone to finish. Aside from flush.
  10. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    I’m sure it’s through the roof
  11. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    This may actually make sense honestly. lockout could very well be the culprit. Seems like a lightbulb went off when you brought that into the equation. I’m usually 3s and I’m currently in 1s for the first time. Normally only do hunts in 1s but was in a pinch. And irrigation wasn’t as frequent...
  12. C

    Not a “new” grower but never seen this in my garden before

    Can anyone identify the problem here? Because I’m stumped. Some strains are affected and some aren’t. Some plants of the same strain are affected and also some that are not. Day 45 currently. C02 turned off. Feed 3.0 ec as always. Flora flex nutrients. Coco as medium. 6.0-6.2 ph. Humidity 60% 78...