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  1. bigmanc

    Is clone or cutting sharing allowed?

    Take cutting and wrap stem in moist paper towel, sandwich bag. Lasts weeks.
  2. bigmanc

    Micro licensing fees...

    Yes but I was referring to state side, things crashed 2yrs in so get your money out
  3. bigmanc

    Micro licensing fees...

    Hard work don’t hurt
  4. bigmanc

    plant remedies in canada

    I’m not investing anymore!!!
  5. bigmanc

    Micro licensing fees...

    1) Set up multiple micros 2) Operate and produce to resemble high market cap and valuation 3) Accomplish contracts and supply agreements 4) After 2years, sell it all. 5) Retire with millions and enjoy your life with a 4light personal grow.
  6. bigmanc

    plant remedies in canada

    Promix...found a place that will sell me botanigard es if I sign farmer declaration/personal crop, used to have applicator license for ontario
  7. bigmanc

    plant remedies in canada

    trying to stay away from the nematode route, I know everything else is pesticide but I work in the horticulture industry and can’t trust the hydro shop to have followed all storage requirements.
  8. bigmanc

    searching for an article

    mandatory minimum times
  9. bigmanc

    Micro licensing fees...

    Pay to play
  10. bigmanc

    plant remedies in canada

    Using organics now and it’s like learning all over. Found a few aphids in root system. Trying to find solutions. I don’t even care if it’s organic or not. Remedies seem to be botanigard es, azamax, azatrol, pyrethrin etc Where to buy?
  11. bigmanc

    Market it going down fast

    Yup market taking a beating.
  12. bigmanc

    New regulations may spark Canada’s craft cannabis revolution

    Yeah I get that I just want a license to sell whatever I want and grow whatever I want
  13. bigmanc

    New regulations may spark Canada’s craft cannabis revolution

    interesting about the nurseries allowing flowered product
  14. bigmanc

    New regulations may spark Canada’s craft cannabis revolution

    App better be favourable. I’m at 16.50 per sqft 1750sqft
  15. bigmanc

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Interesting, I can’t seem to find the method on google. I think I have an idea
  16. bigmanc

    Tilray leaving patients High & dry

    Don’t buy LP
  17. bigmanc

    2018 Grow your own thread

    I’ve seen it done around the outside the bucket
  18. bigmanc

    New regulations may spark Canada’s craft cannabis revolution

    It ain’t going to 50$ for about 2yrs if it ever does. Aslong as cops are funded and busts happen bm will go on.
  19. bigmanc

    Morning Dabs....who loves em?

    When I do a dab when I wake up I eat a boat load...try to make my shake before my dab lol