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  1. GettingGreenThumb

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    word... but what if im doing it without autos just fems... can i get in... doing solo challenge with my bro and thats what i had....
  2. GettingGreenThumb

    what is the best water to use...

    i dont plan on using any nutes for at least a month or so... the nutes i have are from gen hydro flora nova grow and bloom...
  3. GettingGreenThumb

    what is the best water to use...

    got it... lol... you right
  4. GettingGreenThumb

    what is the best water to use...

    no doubt... sorry for the rant but just dont want my grow to go "sour"... lol
  5. GettingGreenThumb

    what is the best water to use...

    i use coco loco for my medium... no nutes right now... and not sure what the water is tested at but dont think its crazy bad...
  6. GettingGreenThumb

    what is the best water to use...

    thanks guys... you really helped... not... wasn't looking for dumbass answers but some from real growers. This is my first grow and trying not to overthink it. I'm growing in coco loco so i know im not going to need any nutes for the first month but is tap water good enough? or should i be using...
  7. GettingGreenThumb

    what is the best water to use...

    I've done a lot of research but still cant figure out what is the best type of water to use. I heard rain water is the best if collected properly, like in a rain bin. Or is distilled the best? Would love some insight on this. thanks
  8. GettingGreenThumb

    I can't get in my tent

    can't wait till my babies are big enough to scrogg....