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  1. Tasteofbrown

    What Are You Listening To?

  2. Tasteofbrown

    just dogs

  3. Tasteofbrown

    What did you accomplish today?

    Incredible! I know it’s crochet, it it makes me wanna do another cross stitch.
  4. Tasteofbrown

    Chill music :)

    Two air signs! I’m an earth pitted against 2 fires in this house. :wall: I think what we’ve learned here is at the very least, air and earth signs have fantastic taste in music
  5. Tasteofbrown

    Chill music :)

    No I didn’t catch that! Nice pick. I listened to Outkast so much in my teens/early 20’s that I took a literal decade long break. I loved hearing it in the wild, but I couldn’t seek them out. :lol: my favorite off of Speakerboxxx
  6. Tasteofbrown

    Chill music :)

  7. Tasteofbrown

    Share your recipes...

    Pretty sure this one is GF. It’s a favorite around our house. I always have this stuff in my house, it’s easy and quick; so I can make it on the fly instead of ordering out.
  8. Tasteofbrown

    Now what do I/we do?

    this is what threw me over the edge as far as dealing with friends/family/acquaintances with differing viewpoints. Michael Nance was my acquaintance and my little brothers best friend since childhood. The great possibility that Mikes (and the other soldier with him, and others of course) blood...
  9. Tasteofbrown

    tincture meant for consumption used as topical

    We use DMSO with cbd to mimick those cbd patches. I’ve put some tincture in it before, but I don’t recall feeling anything. Maybe give it a go yourself and see how you feel? Or some other willing guinea pig? First thought in mind is accidentally freaking out grandma wouldn’t be a good time. :lol:
  10. Tasteofbrown


    ....and my town borders Wisconsin, and as close as the next town over in most any direction, they’re playing volleyball all summer long at businesses. This was coming.
  11. Tasteofbrown


    I watch my zip codes cases closely. We’ve got 413 cases since the beginning of this, 85 of those cases are from the past WEEK.
  12. Tasteofbrown

    What Are You Listening To?

  13. Tasteofbrown


    And don’t get me started on supplies promised by vendors and then *blink* the government takes them out from under these healthcare systems noses and there’s nothing you can do about it.
  14. Tasteofbrown


    Yup, ILs healthcare systems are having horrible issues procuring supplies. This weeks debacle, gloves.
  15. Tasteofbrown

    What has Trump done to this country?

    A trip to urgent care with vitals that freaked out the nurse got me my very first RX for “brain meds” because of this mess. I’ve only used a handful of times, but this shit is exhausting. I early voted in person the day after it opened here in IL, so I’ve tried to just lay low since then. Check...
  16. Tasteofbrown

    What did you accomplish today?

    I feel you. Generally, I’m happier for a dog that’s happy than a person that’s happy. :lol:
  17. Tasteofbrown

    What did you accomplish today?

    Happy Birthday! You deserve a gift, but I bet your pup deserved one too!
  18. Tasteofbrown

    Break up songs.

  19. Tasteofbrown

    Break up songs.

  20. Tasteofbrown

    What did you accomplish today?

    I use a recipe I found on YouTube by diamonddelightedibles. Next time I’ll use all unflavored gelatin (I have a nice hippie one from the local health food store) and add my own flavors/colors...I wanted to get a feel for it before I messed with the recipe. I dried them about 4 days before I...