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  1. L

    New tent

    80% is too high imo i dont run clones just seeds and my humidty as stated runs higher end throughout. How much is the humidity with the exhauste 24/7 and try removing 1 bucket see how much it lowers
  2. L

    Perm's Perpetually Peeping Pistil & Plant Parade

    Let me know if u sell seeds i wanna test ur shipping lol
  3. L

    Perm's Perpetually Peeping Pistil & Plant Parade

    Nice website. What you selling? want to fund my grow op too? lmfao jk
  4. L

    Male/Female and are they good

    plants look good imo. hard to tell if they are male or female from pics just wait little longer.
  5. L

    New tent

    I second the humidity being the issue. i've had that issue with my bigger plants when they get bushy and humidity builds up the inner growth gets droopy and soft. 70-80% RH is fairly high if your only exhausting for 10 minutes a day. i exhaust 24/7. I suggest exhausting 24/7 ASAP and as stated...
  6. L

    1 week without water or anything?

    lucky my tent this summer is hitting fucking 90F lmfao. i usually hit about 86F though. idk about the transplanting after fimming thing i usually top then transplant in the same day but with my current grow i topped then waited a few days then i transplanted. seems to be doing best out of my...
  7. L

    Weird fan leaves

    I did a quick search and they seemed to say it is linked to CalMag Deficiency or PH issues. Just my guess
  8. L

    1 week without water or anything?

    I don't grow in plastic pots as i've had horrible first experience with um. not only that though but because i have to deal with heat issues i try to get as much air circulation as possible with what i can and since i can't run much fans/an ac unit i opted for fabric pots. i personally do not...
  9. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 11 Stalk seems to be getting bigger im not too sure if im looking too much into that. this is the size it usually gets on my grows before i chop so if i can get anything bigger then this i will be pleased. end goal for this grow would be double what it is now. she is starting to Pre sex...
  10. L

    What did you accomplish today?

    "i think it MIGHT not work for me" i did not discount your suggestion. Sorry you took it the wrong way I do appreciate your suggestion and yes I do consider them especially for someone who is older/more experienced with the topic, don't think i don't take your suggestions seriously. Thanks for...
  11. L

    What did you accomplish today?

    yea exactly why i asked. they always pay me and the right amount but sometimes just gotta question it. i could use a damn burger right about now. prolly the first thing imma do when i buy my car get a damn burger and fries
  12. L

    What did you accomplish today?

    naw i can't bare myself to pinch it off if it means what i think it means. i literally smoke old smokes just to save money if its laying around that alone makes me hate it cause the taste is bad. i think it might work for me because i've tried not smoking at all like just going from smoking one...
  13. L

    What did you accomplish today?

    Got my pay thing situated asked my boss and of course he give me that smart ass remark "don't worry we will pay you" lol. Setting up a goal to quit smoking starting tomorrow. calculated today i smoked 9 cigs total which is alright i usually smoke around 12 a day. gonna cut that in half so...
  14. L

    What did you accomplish today?

    not here in Hawaii people just straight up go missing. tourists, locals, kids, no matter. the only alerts we get is flash flood warnings. it's weird because i live inbetween major schools like i literally live in a school district. surrounded by 3 elementary schools so lots of kids on a daily...
  15. L

    What did you accomplish today?

    eating some of this sweets my sister bought from the UK. not gonna lie this shit taste fucking good!. it's like waffle waffers with some sort of caramel in the middle. smells like gingerbread imo or like a hint of it at least and it's gooey af but the caramel isn't sweet at all. it smells good...
  16. L

    What did you accomplish today?

    Finished all my chores for the day waiting for the weekend to come by to see if my plant can start to weave into my net i think i got about 6 inches of height to go. if i do it correctly i should have enough room to flower without any heat issues as far as lighting being too close. my dads dog...
  17. L

    What did you accomplish today?

    nice yea over here on Oahu is a bit different shit load of workers not enough jobs to compensate. Job market here is rough small island too much people and not enough jobs. in my field we have a lot of elderly i think it's because they cannot afford to retire. some of um have major health issues...
  18. L

    What did you accomplish today?

    stinky job must get paid good though. my sisters bf i think wants to do that but not work directly with the poop pipes. he majored in construction but the state gave him a hard time after he had a work accident. guess they dont want to take care of there workers or some shit? so now that he can...
  19. L

    Problem with top leaves

    I was just wondering cause i seen pics like that but idk why. Mine always go up due to heat and lighting issues
  20. L

    Problem with top leaves

    Wouldnt it canoe up not down due to shading and how they take in the light? Ive seen this many times with lighting but never in a downward position