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  1. B

    Cap's RP Purple OG #18 Kush 1200w Scrog

    Ok here's a couple pics of my two Purple OG #18's. They are pretty much identical, even though I heard there was a fair bit of variation in phenos in this cross.
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    Cap's RP Purple OG #18 Kush 1200w Scrog

    Nice, I'm actually growing both Kosher Kush and the Purple og#18 right now. So it'll be nice to compare mine with yours. Mine are about 18 days from seed.
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    Hawaii Growers

    The jackass of a chairman killed the bill because he said it would not have enough votes to pass the house. whatever the fuck that means? I dont get it, they didn't even vote and the article says "Key lawmakers in the Democratic-controlled House supported the measure, including the speaker and...
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    Hawaii Growers

    If that dont work I can hook you up with a couple handfuls. Man, I have the worst of luck with any attitude freebies I've tried. I cant get none to pop. Everything that wasn't free usually germs within 24 hours for me.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Anyone here cultivate their own IMO? I've been researching it quite a bit lately, as one of my long time friends is heavily into korean natural farming. Decided I'm gonna try some Bean Boyz Genetics this year. Klockwork Orange, GDPiezel, Phosphate Diezel Dawg, and got a handful of soda berry...
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    Hawaii Growers

    I tried the mityvac setup and it does only pull 25 maybe 26hg if you really put your jackoff muscles into it, haha. The handle on the mityvac is also weak as shit. There's another hand pump vacuum called the "pump-n-seal" that supposedly pulls 28.9hg according to their website. I thought...
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    Mold Resistant Strain?

    I grew out a mystery seed I got from a mixed pack of freebies from peakseeds BC, and surprisingly never suffered from mold, even in Hilo in november. I Harvested in Early December, and it has great bag appeal and smell, but the taste just didn't transfer unfortunately. I still have the mother...
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    Bean boyz

    I ordered 3 packs last week. Not even sure what I ordered anymore as I didn't get an email confirmation, but I have been in contact with the crew through email so i'll just wait and be reminded once it arrives. Pretty sure I got the Klock-Werkz Orangez, GDPiezel, and something else. Pretty...
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    Hawaii Growers

    I really could give a shit about which brick and mortar store ripped you off on your first worm purchase, thats your own fault. You've found the right worms in your yard, cool story, bro. Peace.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Lol, you didn't school nobody, Brah. Nothing I said was inaccurate, you pulled this $320/lb figure from the depth of your sphincter. But thanks for reiterating what i already said.
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    Hawaii Growers

    woah...calm down. No need to rant like a asshole over nothing. Part of DS' question was where to get stuff like castings, I suggested they look into building their own worm bin. That's all.
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    Hawaii Growers

    I'm not a worm expert, but I have read that the common fat earthworms found in deeper soil are not the preferred type for composting. I had a friend try to use earthworms from his yard in a worm bin and he was unsuccessful. Red Wigglers and Indian blues have a bigger appetite and will eat...
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    Hawaii Growers

    For worm castings, It's very easy to setup your own worm bin for about $20. You can find people selling the proper worms (red wigglers, or indian blues) on craigslist, and you only need a small initial colony to get things started. I get a full tray of worm juice about every other week and I...
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    Hawaii Growers

    How many of you outdoor guys monitor your ph? I've never had too big of problems with my plants so I never worried about it but I recently decided to pick up a ph meter after talking with two separate friends. I've been using it in my vegetable garden and noticed some difference with some bell...
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    Hawaii Growers

    I've seen those "little fire ants" on some of mine, they aren't the same as normal fire ants. Havent noticed any ill effects on plants, but they are quite painful if you get bit and leave welts for about a week. They are pretty hard to get rid of as well, as they are really tiny. I usually...
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    Hawaii Growers

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    Hawaii Growers

    I just wanna say FUCK HPD! Drove through a DUI roadblock this weekend, totally sober, but had one unlit joint rolled for later in the car(my right as a registered MJ patient), and the cop tries to give me a fucking DUI. Passed all the fuckin sobriety tests at the checkpoint, and he still takes...
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    do trimmings hafta be dry to make bubble hash?????

    unless you are using nice buds in your bubble, trim will taste like ass whether its properly dried or not, thats why we make bubble. But hey, to each his own, i dont always have the space in my freezer and wont let dry trim keep me from making some hash.
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    I HATE trimming

    If you were going to pay someone to trim for you it would be better to pay by weight trimmed, instead of hourly, keeps things more honest and you dont end up paying $15/hr for someone that only trims a 1/2oz an hour
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    do trimmings hafta be dry to make bubble hash?????

    fresh, frozen trim is best as it doesnt break down as easy and contaminate your end product with green material which will turn your hash brown/black.