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  1. 4

    My First Harvest Comming Soon

    thx alot man i appreciate it lots
  2. 4

    My First Harvest Comming Soon

    the hairs are starting to turn an amber color maybe 25% amber by now and as for next year i will make sure to till the soil because i think that was the culprit for sure. ill post the pics asap, and u guys have been a real help so thx and keep the comments comming if possible thx :clap: HIP...
  3. 4

    My First Harvest Comming Soon

    ok i live in upstate south carolina of the usa and it is getting to be cooler during the days and nights (between 60-85 degrees ferenhight) i planted right after easter and it has been an outdoor plant its enire life. the sun rises at about 7:10 and sets about 6:00-6:30 nowadays. shes a female...
  4. 4

    Extra dose of potash

    two words: canned air
  5. 4

    So someones tryin to robb my plants!!

    on the real get motion detectors because i know i wont go into a yard that has just lit up like a stadium...get motion detector lights i too grow outside and i like it that way but people trying to steal; them is a bad thing, i kno id kill sum1 if i caught them in my yard stealin bud