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  1. P

    What do you think is the problem?

    Should I foliar spray the kelp and water as usual or add the kelp to my watering?
  2. P

    What do you think is the problem?

    I have to water today. Should I add the kelp to the regular water today. I have this kelp at home.
  3. P

    What do you think is the problem?

    Sorry these plants are 12 weeks old. Those nutes have been depleted.
  4. P

    What do you think is the problem?

    Ffof, earth worm castings. I use 1 tbsp per gallon. I did 50% 444 and 50% bloom. I did add some biobizz grow to the water. Not a full dose. I thought they were hungry. I'm due to water today. I will water them to runoff to test the runoff ec.
  5. P

    What do you think is the problem?

    Still in veg. In 5g fabric pots. Using gaia. In organic soil. Are they hungry or is it K? Thank you for your feedback in advance.
  6. P

    What are these clear worms??

    Buy sinosad and lost coast therapy. I also added neem meal. I had the same issue but wiped them out. You have to implement an IPM plan
  7. P

    Top 5 Photo Breeders/Strains

    Where's the pictures?
  8. P

    Deficiency or Excess?

    I gave them plain water today ph'd to 6.4. I was wondering should I water to runoff? I did 7 cups in 5g pots
  9. P

    Deficiency or Excess?

    Im in Soil, ffof, ewc and perlite. 75 to 80F. Rh 65%. Dr earth liquid and top dress. Transplanted from 1g to 5g on 4/28. 800w mars hydro fce8000. Ph water to 6.5. 2 ACI fans running. I gave them some PK 2 weeks ago thinking I had an issue. What do you guys think the problem is.
  10. P

    Captain Jack and Lost Coast

    I didn't have an IPM program. I want to treat the soil and leaves. I saw a few webs on the lower canopy next to the soil. I just did the drench. I added some P and K at a 0-10-10, small dose of calmag, small dose of silica, ph to 6.53. There's enough nutes in the soil to bypass any extra N...
  11. P

    Captain Jack and Lost Coast

    Can I add my nutes to the water when I do my soil Can I add my nutes to the same water I'm using to do the soil drench with? @obijohn @calvin.m16
  12. P

    Captain Jack and Lost Coast

    I have thrip. I've been treating for a few days. Can I add my nutes to the treatment?
  13. P

    Calcium Deficiency or Else

    I saw a few more moving around. About to do a soil drench and foliar application with captain jacks. I found lcpt locally. Applying that tomorrow
  14. P

    Calcium Deficiency or Else

    Excuse for asking but why K when you think it's P? "What is the best source of phosphorus for cannabis? Instead, utilize organic fertilizers like worm castings, blood meal, fish meal, or bat guano for nitrogen; bone meal or rock dust for phosphorus; wood ash or kelp meal for potassium; and...
  15. P

    Calcium Deficiency or Else

    I'm actually giving the plants bone meal today. I sprayed yesterday with neem twice. Today I sprayed with an alcohol/water at a 30/70 ratio twice. Tomorrow I'll do captain jacks. Hopefully my LCPT arrives Monday. I'll do a soil drench with captain jacks as well. Sunday back to neem, Monday LCPT...
  16. P

    Calcium Deficiency or Else

    What I see in the tent. I only found that bug on one leaf. I think I'm going to an alcohol and water spray right now at a 70/30 water to alcohol. The lights were off today after the neem spray from 630 to 130
  17. P

    Calcium Deficiency or Else

    What are your thoughts on these foggers. Active ingredients are stronger than Dokter Doom. I can get these right now. I don't want to wait.
  18. P

    Calcium Deficiency or Else

    @Modern Selections My plan is the fogger, then I'll spray with captain jacks as well as soil drench with it. Then come back and do the same foliar spray 2 to 3 day later. 2 to days later spray with alcohol/water mix. Hopefully that nukes them then I can flip in a week or 2.
  19. P

    Calcium Deficiency or Else

    I ordered 2 foggers. I also picked up the Captain Jack's. The fogger does the leaf area. I need to drench as well.