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  1. F

    Almost got the pump system figured out

    So I'm watering my plants from a pond that's like 500 feet away, and I've only got 2 plants. I think I'm gunna buy the 12 volt 300 Gph pump from harbor freight (unless y'all have a better pump to suggest), i need one that'l hook up to a battery, noise isn't really a problem. I need to set up...
  2. F

    Watering my seedlings

    Lame, I already bought 5 gallon bags, but that's a great idea! So if I let the water sit to long will it become bad or nah? I shouldn't use nutrients until I put it in the ground right? Man it's exciting to finally be growing this thing, it grows fast as hell lol
  3. F


    last question, how much do you suggest i get?
  4. F


    thats exatly what i was looking for to haha so thanks. Next year will be much easier for me, ill be more prepared, but im sure ive got to get this prepared quick to even see a small yield, but its good practice for next year :D ill just use that fertilizer then unless i see any problem
  5. F


    i get wacha mean. I just get confused real easily about this sort of stuff or never find exactly the answers to my questions. And normally if i cant, i resort to here lol
  6. F


    ok so what exactly is the best thing that i should get? ive only got 2 plants, so im not really certain how much i should get to last, but i would like the get stuff for both veg and flowering. Random question, but i guess since ive got the bat guano i might as well use it as a top dressing, how...
  7. F


    is it possible to find this in local stores or should i just pick it up off of ebay?
  8. F

    Adjusting light cycle

    k so lets say i go to bed at 12 everynight and wake up at 8 consistently, would that be ok?
  9. F

    Adjusting light cycle

    so the light i have doesnt have a timer on it, and i really dont want to have to wake up in the middle of the night every night to turn the light on or off, so is it bad to just turn it off when i go to bed and back on when i wake up? i normally sleep for like 8-9 hours in the summer cuz im a...
  10. F

    germinated seeds are growing in the wrong direction!

    i wasnt stabbin it with a pitchfork or anything so it should be ok then haha thanks for the reply. This was probly a stupid question then to most people haha
  11. F

    germinated seeds are growing in the wrong direction!

    i kind of touched it a little, but just one of em o.o hopefully its ok lol ill probly be making a lot of rookie mistakes along the way, but ill consider myself a super badass if these plants end up lasting through the months lol
  12. F

    germinated seeds are growing in the wrong direction!

    so it was already hard enough to put those seeds in the rockwool yesturday because the roots were like 2 inches long, but i guess i didnt put them in far enough and now its like looped around outside of the cube, what should i do? start over? can i re-use the cube if i do? ?
  13. F

    Germinated to long?

    Like, leaves coming out of the rockwool?
  14. F

    Germinated to long?

    when i put it in i was gunna let it sit in the dark for a day in the rockwool, should i just put the light on now?
  15. F

    Germinated to long?

    so yesturday my seeds root were liek maybe 1/4 of an inch long, so i let it sit for a day figuring it would get a little bit longer. Now their like 2 inches long, i swear they took some steroids without my knowing. Is it still on to plant them in the rockwool or should i germinate some new...
  16. F


    thats i problem lol i wont really have a clue wtf my plant is going to be telling me to use, i think the growings fun, but to be honest, i took biology and i kind of hate trees and plants now haha it all just confuses me. So ill probly just have to read up on nutrients and what the plants look...
  17. F


    i would be fine using multiple fertilizers, but i just dont know which to do lol i do best when someone is just like "alright this is what you need to use, and this is what you need to do" i just dont know what all that shit means when i get into the specifics lol id rather just people tell me...
  18. F


    so is there an all around good fertilizer to use? i was looking at this guide and this guys got so many different teas for different times and all that, im really just wanting to use one fertilizer for as long as i can. I know...
  19. F

    Few random questions for you guyses

    which is why im asking yall lol i just needa get water from there to my plot, as long as it works im willing to try anything
  20. F

    Few random questions for you guyses

    so just buy that and hook it up to a car battery then im good? i just wanna get this whole water thing worked out with soon lol will it be pretty obvious how to go about setting everything up after i get the pump?