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  1. G

    wet bud

    Sup fellas, I'm trying to dry this bud that I got and I was wondering if anyone here at RIU could impart some knowledge seeing as I don't have too much knowledge on drying and curing buds. The bud is pretty moist, almost hard to breakup because of it's moistness and stickiness, and I'm looking...
  2. G

    Anyone Bomb?

    I wish I could bomb, I love seeing good shit though. Some graf is beyond my comprehension on how people can draw it This is something I just doodled
  3. G

    Florida grow house bust

    I love how instead of the neighbor saying she saw friend's of the homeowner it's suspected dealers and buyers... Sounds like this guy really made no efforts to keep it on the downlow eh?
  4. G

    Your Stoner Lingo

    any surface used to break weed on = skurf whenever we're at a certain friends house and we got blunts its just a swiff movement and a question: porch? and then everyone knows whatsup
  5. G

    Wanna grow 10lbs every 8 weeks...

    No matter how big of a bulk you push weight in, all it takes it ONE person down the chain to get caught and narc. And if you're pushing 10lbs then you are either pushing to a LOT of people, or a couple people who will then be selling to either a LOT of people or a couple people, and so on and so...
  6. G

    I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

    Im a little confused by this, but how does this get you high? I thought THC had to be heated up to a certain temp to become active...?
  7. G

    Best in the World? Why can't I get high?

    I would try what others said, smoke different strains and try using different methods. There was a time for me for weeks straight Id smoke at least 4 or 5 blunts to my face a day and towards the end of that time there were a couple times when after smoking all day I was sober as a bird. My mind...
  8. G

    Whats the damage for a setup?

    Sup everybody, as you can see I'm quite new to the RIU forums. I've been researching and reading a lot about growing for the past couple of months and I'm pretty sure I got enough knowledge that I could say I would be able to grow enough for personal use, with the help of RIU of course. My...
  9. G

    tracers, trails, etc.

    Dont take more than an 1/8 for your first time with booms, it might be too powerful. I would say try half an 1/8 and work your way up to an 1/8. Especially if you just want tracers and the little things, if you take an 1/8 you might be in the deep end for a little while. Oh and yeah you can...