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  1. suedonimn

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    So I have been busy... haven't had time to log on in a bit, but I found this and thought I would share.
  2. suedonimn

    Obama Response to Online Forum

    I don't know why this is so surprising . Like Obama said to the Senate, "I WON". That is no chip on his shoulder, that is a 10 pound bag of russet potatoes. Can we impeach him yet?
  3. suedonimn

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    Presbyterian churches usually have free snacks after the morning service, Doughnuts, cookies, coffee, juice... and guess what CJ you are INVITED, come on down. Tell'em sue sent you for cookies. If you listen to the service you will hear God talking to you and you will be reminded about what you...
  4. suedonimn

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    I know where you can get free cookies... and coffee, maybe juice too. Since you insist on continuing with this thread.
  5. suedonimn

    Iran Update...

    It does not matter if any one of you have EVIDENCE for backing up your stories. It is not like any one of you is going to take EVIDENCE seriously anyway.
  6. suedonimn

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    That, CJ, is a chicken shit argument... that is like me blaming you for killing in Iraq in Padawanbaters name. People get fooled everyday by someone representing such and such or so and so. Christians are NOT exempt. Since that crazy Irishman, name escapes me, released the Bible from the...
  7. suedonimn

    Iran Update...

    Mr. Bater, I have to say the reason for the U.S. Gov't staying out of certain places is it would probably start an even bigger war than what transpired. It all depends who is involved, behind the scenes. As for Bosnia, Croatia, Serb deal, Americans were there, under the umbrella of the U.N...
  8. suedonimn

    Some Rationality On Climate Change ...

    True that... I remember reading somewhere that GLACIERS melt. I don't know, I mean I seem to also remember that Yosemite was once a glacier and it melted. I still contend "global warming" is a natural trend and is followed by an ice age, which in itself a natural trend. Do I think we should take...
  9. suedonimn

    Iran Update...

    Both... let me explain. First America did not go there, the U.S. Gov't went there with American Military slaves, yes property of the U.S. Gov't. The U.S. Gov't would not have done so if there were not interest in that area. Second the Iraqi Military slaves would have fought harder if it was not...
  10. suedonimn

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    Your in a pickle... slinger, every pun intended. I have seen the movie, and it did not shake my Faith and I will tell you why. First you can see Christ in everything , maybe not at the moment you are looking, but neither can you see everything anyone does. Why would you not find in religion...
  11. suedonimn

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    Too lazy... they hire editors for that now. Could have used spell check though. However spell check did not catch it when I spelled right; RIGJT, weird. All kidding aside, I just ran spell check and it did not catch RIGJT again...
  12. suedonimn

    Iran Update...

    Like I said if you are going to fight a war just to lose... give up. I would shoot anyone trying to shoot me, but my family would be behind me tucked away as safe as possible. Now the question is; if I am shot and killed, is the cowardly dude going to shoot my innocent family or not? If the...
  13. suedonimn

    Iran Update...

    Dude... that is COWERDICE, you have taken to an extraordinarily pure level I don't think has been matched... ever. I can not think of any scenario I would put any one but the target in front of me when I go shooting, and that is target practice, not with people shooting back. Your daughter in...
  14. suedonimn

    the thing that irritates me most is....

    Another thing... it is not legal advice if the case is past, which it is, he already has his fines. I am smart and clever, because I LEARN, I talk with people and I will never stop learning. In fact I pretty much learn something new everyday. My father worked as an investigator for an attorney...
  15. suedonimn

    Iran Update...

    Med, I thought I saw somewhere you said you are a Vet, if you didn't serve sorry. With that knowledge of war, is not that the objective, hit hard, hit fast, and leave no man behind. Don't fight a war if you expect to lose, just give up.
  16. suedonimn

    the thing that irritates me most is....

    You are correct I did give ONE(loosely) piece, NEVER WAIVE YOUR RIGJT TO TRIAL. Everything else is my opinion, and I have a right to express that where ever I want, you are free to listen or ignore me where ever you want. The question was not NON-WEED related, maybe I should not have answered on...
  17. suedonimn

    The perfection of government run health care ...

    That is ridiculously lazy, I have been through this with my friend and with an exgirlfriend. Always get an itemized bill, you have to make an appointment with the hospital, sit down and go over exactly what was done during your procedure. Yes per procedure there are automatic charges base on...
  18. suedonimn

    the thing that irritates me most is....

    I am not giving legal advice... legal advice would be, telling him/her what types of forms to file when to file and such as it relates to the persons direct case. I merely stated my opinion, and gave specific reasons for my opinion. I am very opinionated as I am sure you are well aware now...
  19. suedonimn

    the thing that irritates me most is....

    You need to do your research... there are so many cases where people have defended themselves and won. Jim harrell(sp?) won against the IRS, in the 1930's a man(name escapes me at the moment) defended himself, he robbed a bank, and won on the defense that because the money he stole actually had...
  20. suedonimn

    The perfection of government run health care ...

    I am not making excuses for anyone, I am giving you a REASON. That mistake would have been made no matter what because as you said "a job was not done, and NOBODY noticed (not nurses, doctors orderlies, or any visitors and family members). If you read what I typed, what you lose with public...