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  1. lexussuper00

    Royal Automatic from Royal Queen Seeds

    Thanks shadeofgreen! I went ahead and bought a packet. I germinated two seeds and so far they are looking good. I have read in other websites and blogs that these plants remain very small, is this your case too?
  2. lexussuper00

    Royal Automatic from Royal Queen Seeds

    Thanks man! Please, do keep me informed of the progress. How is your grow doing right now?
  3. lexussuper00

    Growing by a Window, No Lights

    That indeed works. Weather around my area has been lousy about half of the time and I did not want to risk having diseases from excess water or humidity. So, I have been taking the plant inside during lousy days where only a couple of hours of full sunlight were available and then taking it...
  4. lexussuper00

    My Introduction and Grow

    Only four weeks to go!!!
  5. lexussuper00

    Growing by a Window, No Lights

    Perfect! thanks for the insight.
  6. lexussuper00

    My Introduction and Grow

    Hi guys! A little update on my grow. I had four Haze plants planted and now I only keep two, as the other ones turned out to be male. (I call them Haze because they came from a good stash I bought about two years ago and they kinda look like Haze plants from other pictures, I really don´t...
  7. lexussuper00

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    WOW!!!! I never imagined so much passion about Attitude Seeds. In the end, I think it gets down to a business transaction. If the seeds you buy from Attitude turn out to be bad, don´t buy from them again and move on to another breeder. I can see someone getting pissed because they expected...
  8. lexussuper00

    Royal Automatic from Royal Queen Seeds

    Nobody has used these seeds before??????
  9. lexussuper00

    Royal Automatic from Royal Queen Seeds

    Hi all! Has anybody used Royal Automatic seeds from Royal Queen Seeds? These guys say that the plants are finished in 60 days regardless of the number of light hours and with pretty decent THC content (12-14%). Sounds like a good deal too because they are not that expensive. Any experiences?
  10. lexussuper00

    Growing by a Window, No Lights

    I guess the plants will get direct light since no obstruction exists between the window and the pots; however, no direct exposure to sun light will be present. Will this affect the performance of the grow?
  11. lexussuper00

    Growing by a Window, No Lights

    So this might sound stupid, but I went to a friend´s house today and he plans to grow two Royal Automatic plants by his window. The window faces south to his garden which gets plenty of sunlight during the day, but he´s paranoid about cops and neighbors, and he does not want to invest in a grow...
  12. lexussuper00

    My Introduction and Grow

    Thanks guys. I will keep you posted on the progress made.
  13. lexussuper00

    My Introduction and Grow

    Hi all!! This is actually my third post since joining the community, but I did not introduce myself. I am a down-to-earth guy who enjoys toking a lot :mrgreen:, but I enjoy growing even more. Although this is only my second grow, I think I have found one of my passions in life. And this...
  14. lexussuper00

    Cops and Their Toys

    Fuck cops.
  15. lexussuper00

    Mouth Wash

    um.... yeah... what are we talking about?
  16. lexussuper00

    Induced Flowering

    Hi all! I have some questions regarding induced flowering. I have six plants growing in separate pots in my backyard that are just over a month old, measuring 12 to 13 inches high with 5 sets of true leaves. Due to security reasons as well as me wanting to enjoy them sooner :joint: I am...
  17. lexussuper00

    Help! Which Strain Do You Think They Are?

    hahahaha, I will sure tell you what happens after I puff away some of that stuff
  18. lexussuper00

    Planting Question

    I have only grown my own medicine for two years, but from my research and past experience with other plants I would suggest you use a pot for each plant in order to minimize competition and risk of stress. Additionally, this would reduce the chances of infection in case one plant becomes sick...
  19. lexussuper00

    Help! Which Strain Do You Think They Are?

    Hi guys! This is my second time growing, and my babies are looking awesome, all six of them. They are two weeks old, but the thing is I am not sure which kind they are. I bought a small stash last year from a friend, the goods were good, and used those seeds to start my grow . I guess they...