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  1. S

    What does flowering period mean?

    Thanks, to all w/ helpful info, the pictures helped a lot. I too prefer that heady buzz. Seems I need to invest in a good magnifying glass. This is my first serious closet grow,2 Northern Lights & 2 White Widows, I am so anxious, I know I'm getting close maybe a week or so left. My temp problem...
  2. S

    Heed My Warning Noobs!

    GZPZ dude, I grow to avoid all those chemicals. Take your time, do some planning n do it right, you should not need all that crap.
  3. S

    What does flowering period mean?

    When resource material talks about a "flowering period of 45-55 days, are they talking about the time from germination to ripeness or do they mean the length of time from the begenning of the reduced light cycle to ripeness?
  4. S

    Can i trust sites when buying seeds?

    Buy Dutch Seeds is very fast, good product and service.
  5. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Can I use water collected in my dehumidifier?, ph seems ok, I'm had watering in perlite. Job is sending me out of town for 4 days, girls in about their 5th week of flowering,am I doomed? Should I flood them and say some prayers? What is/are LST? Steviemo (an old newbie)