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  1. M

    nevils new genetic's

    check your email they are there before you shoot off your mouth i cant post them here
  2. M

    fuzziehead is rimmeo here he just dont like the publisity

    fuzziehead is rimmeo here he just dont like the publisity
  3. M

    western new york

    customs are a bitch these day with all the technlogy why risk being on the black list and ther is a black list my brother works for th customs agency in maine
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    western new york

    I new order is on it's way to rimmeo which referman wont have we spent all night doing what you asked and your still mbusting ass whats up with that most everyone has purchased from rimmeo and are very happy whats your issue manybe we can solve it amongs men
  5. M

    western new york

    because nnevil likes rimmeo better the agreement was rimmo handles usa customers and referman handlles canada plus many dont like refermans past
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    nevils new genetic's

    you can reister her with any user name probally japan freak the spammer
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    nevils new genetic's

    see this is a spammer not nevil ask gruber what he thought
  8. M

    nevils new genetic's

    that funny becuse your sent gruber the seeds you made me your just a fraud your self i can list ever strain you made me
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    nevils new genetic's

    thats nnot even nevil he told me he dont post online no more to much drama
  10. M

    Haze Harvest - a few pounds of 1200w vertical weed

    Now is this the new strain NH21 x MM
  11. M

    Riot seeds

    Well I dont no what matt riot charges all I no is all they take is credit cards and that leaves your credit card number in who knows who's hands. But as far as the price even if you get one keeper and you get 2 ounces off it on the low side the pack of seeds paid for themself. Seed prices are...
  12. M

    Congress Just Gave Biotech Firms the Green Light to Ignore Court Orders

    Ya well im from maine and these GMO seed have caused nothing but problems monsanto round up ready seeds have gotten into the water sources there and the aquatic animals have come just about extint never mind the drift of these seed contaminating other farmers crops then monsanto wants a cut from...
  13. M

    Haze Harvest - a few pounds of 1200w vertical weed

    This is nevils new haze hybrid Talk about haze taste and high look out!!!
  14. M

    nevils new genetic's

    well id hate to tell ya but these aint test seeds and i bought them on nevils recomendations when he posted at mr nice and the guy who has them is a good friend of his so I dont no where your info comes from but mine comes from the god father himself
  15. M

    nevils new genetic's

    some bud porn for all y
  16. M

    nevils new genetic's

    things are fine things are really doing good at the moment so you haning here now
  17. M

    nevils new genetic's

    doing ok at least back on my feet
  18. M

    nevils new genetic's

    so how have you been
  19. M

    nevils new genetic's

    what up doc thats a picture of your nh21 xmm
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    nevils new genetic's

    why are you going by nevils name