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  1. S

    Idea on cooling my res temps, what do you think.

    unfortunately, a chiller is the way to go. otherwise think of the money you'll be spending on meds if your crop fails. I have lost three plants in the last 2 weeks, and having to cut them down was not a fun experience...basically 3 grand down the drain.
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    Will a plant die with 3 days of no lights?

    Already rooted clones being shipped from another part of the country. No inspection
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    moving the clock during flower

    Thanks man. Just getting too hot for lights to be coming on at noon +rep
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    moving the clock during flower

    So i need to move my flowering time so my lights are on at night. Currently lights come on at noon and shut off at midnight. I have a perpetual grow and i need to move my timer to like 8pm to 8 am. If I waited till the lights went out at midnight, then moved the timer to come on at 8pm the next...
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    Just Harvested White widow

    Nice job. The most i can get out of WW dried and cured is 2oz per plant. I also get them up to 4 ft in DWC
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    White Widow - When to harvest

    WW is ready in about 53-60 days of flowering in hydro. If they are 8 weeks into flower id flush now if you havent already started.
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    Temps With 1500ppm Co2??

    I have DWC 5 gal buckets and are all at about 74F..yield is at about 4 oz per plant...with no co2 enrichment
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    Extra CFL ?

    I just bought 50 of those CFLs. 26wt, but = 100wts. The ones that you have are the exact same as mine. GE brand right? They are the 2700k, and the right spectrum for flowering. The package didnt indicate what the kelvins were so I called the 1-800 number on the package and asked tech support and...
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    A quick PPM question on bubbler!!!!

    As for the roots, WW has a short flowering 53-55 days. It always finishes first in my grow. Now sure about the skunk, but if the finish later(by like 10 days) you may not want the roots of both strains tangled up. Just my opinion Hope this helps
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    PPM Questions

    Depending on what nutes you are using, some have nute calculators online to help. I use General Hydroponics and I use their calculator online. It seems to be working just fine for me. If you read the lables and dose appropiately you should be fine. What works for me is: 300-400 ppm for...
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    Watching plants die as I type this

    How are they looking?
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    Shoreline - !

    I got seven clones, and only one survived.....but she is healthy and looking great. I just took 5 cuttings from her and Im hoping for roots in a week or so. Shoreline is one of those obscure hard to find strains unless you are in the Houston area.
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    white hairs

    All hairs are white at first and dont start changing color until about half to 3/4 of the way though flower stage
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    Watching plants die as I type this

    if you just transplanted clones into your veg nutes they will wilt and pretty much fall over as if dying. Not to worry within 24 -48 hours they will be standing straight up...providing your nutes arent too strong. This happened to me the first time I put clones in my DWC bubbler and I thought I...
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    + Rep Dark bud question

    Is it possible that they got a little mold? What was your humidity levels? I'd say anything over 50% is too much, and temps should be cool around 60 or so. . are they moist? do the stems snap? Where I am, my buds dry in a bout 3-4 days. I keep humidity at 40-45% RH and about 65 degrees f. I then...
  16. S

    Will a plant die with 3 days of no lights?

    No they wont. They will think its time to flower and start producing pistils though. Ive heard of clones being shipped for two days with no light and when they arived they all had small hairs coming out. Once they get back on the 24 hour light cycle they will revert back to veg. Kinda slows...
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    DWC transition from VEG to FLOWER nutes....

    GH has a cool program that you can enter the amount of water in your bucket and at what stage you are in....its so easy a monkey could do it!
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    BEST/Favorite DWC Nutes?

    GH works great for me...I use the nute calculator on their website and the results are fantastic. Just have to flush for about 7 - 10 days to get al the chemicals out
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    Sucker fish in hydroponic system

    I think your solution would be to cover your res with black polysheet (tape it on), that way you can pull it off from time to time and see the roots.....I doubt the fish would survive with the nutes in there
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    Help with a journal and pics

    So Im new to this forum and have tried to post pics and would like to start a grow journal but cant figure it out...Must be al the NL#5 Ive been smoking.....Im a mmj patient and caregiver in CO and would love to show everyone my gardens and get some feedback....can anyone tell me how to do this...