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  1. S

    LBH's SCrog Tutorial

    hey thanks for the tutorial :) this is my first grow I've got a lot of plants and a couple questions for ya if you don't mind. I was thinking of combining sog and scrog. reason being I've got 80 clones and 2 4'x8' beds so 40 each bed and less than 1 sqft/plant. I was thinking of shorter veg and...
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    Ventilation for 10x10 grow tent a little help/experience needed

    thx i just found a good deal on some used for 3mo equipment locally 840 cfm fan and 4ft can filter it looks huge. think that's too much?
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    Ventilation for 10x10 grow tent a little help/experience needed

    thanks for your in depth response! much appreciated. you're right about my math being off. I read you wanted 3 exchanges per 5 min which would be 1950 per 5 min not every min, forgot to divide it by 5 for the per min calculation lol. my bad so I guess I only need 390 cfm based only on cubic...
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    Ventilation for 10x10 grow tent a little help/experience needed

    i'm looking for vent options for a 10'x10'x6.5' grow tent. doing the math for 3 exchanges/min i'd need a 1950cfm fan. none of the inline fans are close to that much unless i'm getting a heavy duty one and spending mad cash, but then even the huge carbon filters only have a max airflow of...
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    300 plants need help designing the set up? lighting?

    unfortunately I can't avoid tents. I can have them vented out and draw outside air in and could also open them up during the 12 hr light cycle if that would be beneficial.. so if I flower 120 in 2 10x10 tents with 60 plants each, shorter veg cycle, scrog for even canopy and light distribution...
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    300 plants need help designing the set up? lighting?

    I've got quite a bit of gardening experience and the plants i have now are doing great. the card 300 expires in march so we want to do as much as possible before then
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    300 plants need help designing the set up? lighting?

    so you had aprox 50 plants/4 1000w lights how much floor space/veg time? if i only did 120 plants/cycle would 2 tents with 4 1000w/tent and 60 plants/tent sound good?
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    300 plants need help designing the set up? lighting?

    i was planning on doing it all in one cycle. i don't think i could fit another tent. maybe i should split it up like you said. i have another area for mothers and clones maybe i should flower 120 (?) at a time in the 3 tents and have the rest in veg/mothers in my other area and have shorter cycles??
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    300 plants need help designing the set up? lighting?

    in BC my 300 are legal. I've been reading about scrog and you "could" do 9 in solo cups in 1 sq ft if it's indica dominant with no veg time and pull aprox 2 oz/sq ft. most suggest 1 plant/sq ft with a short veg time and pull 2-2.5 oz. dose anyone reading do this?? how many lights and how many...
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    300 plant newbie, need help planning my indoor garden

    so we've got a 300 plant card and are new to growing we have a few going now we're planning on using as mothers that are doing great. I've got a fairly large area but they MUST be in tents. I've been reading about scrog grows with 1 plant/sq ft that pull aprox 2-2.5oz/sqft with a short veg...
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    300 plants need help designing the set up? lighting?

    so we've got a 300 plant card and are new to growing :shock: we have a few going now we're planning on using as mothers that are doing great. I've got a fairly large area but they MUST be in tents. I've been reading about scrog grows with 1 plant/sq ft that pull aprox 2-2.5oz/sqft with a short...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    hey I've been following this thread. we are also looking at applying to become LP's in bc. Wondering if anyone has any information on testing thc and cbd percentages? also for microbial and chemical contaminants? it just says analytical testing and validated methods? anyone know what testing...
  13. S

    is this over kill?

    I've got 10 65w mostly 6500k with 2 2700k mixed in over my 9 plants. i'm new here but the lights say one 65w is equivalent to 325w. sooo does that mean these plants are getting approx. 3250watts? is this set up overkill? also it is better to mix 6500 and 2700 more 65 for veg and 27 for flower...
  14. S

    NEW GROW a little help please.....

    I just realized too that they are on a 16/8 light cycle not 18/6, damn messed up when programming the timer and I can't even say I was stoned when I did it. which I fried last night with my shotty wiring job of the new light :shock: going to the store today, see if I can exchange my timer that...
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    NEW GROW a little help please.....

    so I added 4 more lights seems a little over kill to me....the 65 watt bulbs are equivalent to 325w each, or so they say so if I've got 10 now isn't that like 3250w for my plants?! idk but that room is GLOWING now, lol. some of my leaves are curling under a bit. I read gregs grow bible last...
  16. S

    NEW GROW a little help please.....

    good to know..check the top when first transplanted. I actually havn't watered any of them since those pics were taken but they were taken just after I transplanted and watered em good. i'm hoping the droop and almost worn look of some of the leaves was due to being root bound or watering. new...
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    NEW GROW a little help please.....

    ok yeah that's what i thought. i did that sunday and the soil seems pretty damp still. they are in normal pots except for 2 which have holes drilled, maybe i'll add a few more just to make sure it's draining good. also i mixed about 25% perlite in normal potting soil. gonna be quite a few days...
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    NEW GROW a little help please.....

    Thanks for the input. note taken about smaller posts. When we get our permanent location set up we will invest in proper lights, go hydro ect. for now the little trailer gets hot in the summer and I don't want to invest in cooling ect since it's just temporary. i hear ya about the hps for...
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    NEW GROW a little help please.....

    anyone have any info on if my clones will be affected if the moms were stressed/stunted early on? the spots on leaves? what to finish my lights with? if I should add 2 more bulbs to the current set up? if one plant/sqft scrog in a 4x6' area is a good use of space? experience with plastic grow...
  20. S

    NEW GROW a little help please.....

    we are actually in bc and my partner doesn't smoke but wants to make balms/tinctures and juicing which a lot of buds are needed to make hence the large amount. We don't currently have the space for them all but hope to have something remote (in the works anyway) this summer. for now we just have...